Monday, February 28, 2005
Hillsong Worship and Veggie Tales (
I just received some good Christian/worship cds from my friend Tom in CA (who works at my former Christian bookstore). Among the best of the bunch is Hillsong's "For all You've Done" double cd. Every year Hillsong Australia in Sydney comes out with a live recording of their newest worship song in a worship concert at a stadium-size arena. The recording worship event are always packed to capacity by worshippers from around the country, and there are thousands who can't get in and have to join in worship via a big screen live telecast outside. It is good to see how the Hillsong church grow in worship and as a church over the years. You can tell (hear) that they are much more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit now than ever before and they are spending time lingering in spontaneous worship and soaking in the presence of the Lord. I really enjoyed listening and worshipping to these new powerful songs coming out of that church.
Another great item that I got from Tom is VeggieTale's "Sumo of the Opera" dvd. It is very funny (up to their standard), to say the least. If you are a VeggieTale fan I would definitely recommend this one for your collection.
I just came back from one of the best ski trip in my life. Praise God! I will hopefully upload some pictures in my yahoo photo album for public viewing.
Scripture of the Night:
Luke 24:13-16
"Lord Jesus, I pray that You would draw near to us. This is the cry of my heart. And I pray that You would open our eyes to see you, to recognize you, and to know You in deeper ways.
Another great item that I got from Tom is VeggieTale's "Sumo of the Opera" dvd. It is very funny (up to their standard), to say the least. If you are a VeggieTale fan I would definitely recommend this one for your collection.
I just came back from one of the best ski trip in my life. Praise God! I will hopefully upload some pictures in my yahoo photo album for public viewing.
Scripture of the Night:
Luke 24:13-16
The Road to Emmaus
13Now behold, two of them were traveling that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was seven miles from Jerusalem. 14And they talked together of all these things which had happened. 15So it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. 16But their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him."Lord Jesus, I pray that You would draw near to us. This is the cry of my heart. And I pray that You would open our eyes to see you, to recognize you, and to know You in deeper ways.
Sunday, February 27, 2005

This is where our Resurrection youth group meet on Friday nights. This picture is documenting the initial phase of inspired chair-setting for the program with YWAM.

Friday, February 25, 2005
YWAM at youth group tonight!
The folks from YWAM showed up at the Resurrection youth group tonight! We gave the whole evening to them, and they told us about their recent mission trips to China and India. They gave some powerful testimonies of salvation and miraculous healing. It was a wonderful night. It is clear that their words had a direct impact in the hearts of everyone present. If you don't know anything about YWAM you can click the title link and it will take you straight to the YWAM website. What was interesting to me was that I didn't know they had a base around Charlotte. Afterwards I talked to a guy from Denmark who thoroughly enjoyed his time here in the States and in the mission field.
Tomorrow I will be going on a ski trip with the youth group. Skiing here in the South, unlike in the west, is very cheap in comparison. I'll be carpooling up with the rest of them so I don't even have to drive! (I am not even sure which area we are going)
At the house, we are looking for a prospective roommate. My housemate Chris is probably not going to be able to stay around soon, so we are now in the process of searching for another person to come in. If you know anybody in the Charlotte area who is looking for a place to stay, let me know.
Earlier today I was in Concord, NC, and I stopped by a Chick-fil-a while I was getting my car's oil changed at Wal-Mart. They were playing all worship and contemporary Christian music in the restaurant, Praise the Lord! And it wasn't like they were playing it softly in the background. It was loud and everyone could hear the songs glorifying Jesus Christ. Thank God that there are still areas in the USA like this where people fear the Lord, at least a little bit.
I helped a man in a wheel chair push his shopping cart to his car. Then I asked him if I could pray for his healing. He allowed me and I gave a quick prayer and walked away. I had mixed feeling about it, as I felt good for doing it, but bad for not praying with more authority and commanding the guy to stand up and walk. I'm praying that next time I'll have more faith to do it like Peter did. But it was glad to see the face of appreciation on that man. He was a catholic and was doing his cross-thing while I was praying for him. I'm praying that when he wakes up next morning he'll be completely healed and get on-fire for God in a major way. "Lord, heal him completely and miraculously and let this man be a living testimony of your love and power. Amen!"
Here is the Scripture passage of the night: Isaiah 12:2
"Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation."
Yes Lord, you are my song, and my life is a song that you are singing, measure by measure.
Tomorrow I will be going on a ski trip with the youth group. Skiing here in the South, unlike in the west, is very cheap in comparison. I'll be carpooling up with the rest of them so I don't even have to drive! (I am not even sure which area we are going)
At the house, we are looking for a prospective roommate. My housemate Chris is probably not going to be able to stay around soon, so we are now in the process of searching for another person to come in. If you know anybody in the Charlotte area who is looking for a place to stay, let me know.
Earlier today I was in Concord, NC, and I stopped by a Chick-fil-a while I was getting my car's oil changed at Wal-Mart. They were playing all worship and contemporary Christian music in the restaurant, Praise the Lord! And it wasn't like they were playing it softly in the background. It was loud and everyone could hear the songs glorifying Jesus Christ. Thank God that there are still areas in the USA like this where people fear the Lord, at least a little bit.
I helped a man in a wheel chair push his shopping cart to his car. Then I asked him if I could pray for his healing. He allowed me and I gave a quick prayer and walked away. I had mixed feeling about it, as I felt good for doing it, but bad for not praying with more authority and commanding the guy to stand up and walk. I'm praying that next time I'll have more faith to do it like Peter did. But it was glad to see the face of appreciation on that man. He was a catholic and was doing his cross-thing while I was praying for him. I'm praying that when he wakes up next morning he'll be completely healed and get on-fire for God in a major way. "Lord, heal him completely and miraculously and let this man be a living testimony of your love and power. Amen!"
Here is the Scripture passage of the night: Isaiah 12:2
"Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation."
Yes Lord, you are my song, and my life is a song that you are singing, measure by measure.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
crazy rainy weather in LA

This is a picture of a funnel cloud off the coast of Venice Beach in the LA area. Incredible!
click on the title above to access a link to the news story on the rain storms that are hitting my childhood home area of Southern California. over 30 inches of rain have fallen there in the past year. It is close to breaking the all-time record of 38 inches in the late 1800's. Again I say, incredible!
This type of extreme fluctuation of weather is another sign of the end times, and I think God is trying to get the attention of the Californians.
On another note: I am in the midst of writing my February newsletter. I am trying to tune in and hear from the Lord as to exactly what to put down on paper. There are so many interesting things going on but I want to write just what God wants me to write. I feel led to include less descriptions of my activities and concentrate more on teaching, sort of like Rick Joyner's letters. We'll see how it turns out.
I received this word in my email today from Faith Tabernacles, which gives helpful prophetic blurbs to the Body of Christ 5-6 days a week. They have always be an encouragement to my spiritual walk, whether the word applies to me personally or not. Here it goes:
Small Straws In A Soft Wind
by Marsha Burns
February 23, 2005: Now is the time when you can rise up and gather momentum in your forward motion. The greater your spiritual momentum, the easier it will be to break through hindrances and barriers. This momentum will require fresh perspective, renewed faith, and a new beginning.
Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
This is such a good word for what I am going through right now. Yes Lord! Bring about greater spiritual momentum as I move forward in your will. Amen.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
M:Robe - ditigal camera and mp3 player
I saw the commercial during the Super Bowl and was intrigued by it. you can go to the website to check it out. It's pretty slick. Maybe God can give me one as a present!
The other day I tried out praying in tongues for a long duration, because I've read how Mahesh Chavda did it and obtain a level of spiritual breakthrough after praying in the Spirit nonstop for several hours. I played a couple worship/instrumental cds on the side to help me get the flow going. I pressed in for about 2 hours (with several sips of water) and I began to pray in different variety of tongues that I have never prayed before. It was amazing! And I felt a strong presence of the Holy Spirit after the 1st hour. I was about to stop after 2 hours, but the Holy Spirit was flowing through me like a rushing river that I couldn't just stop. I would set my mind on other tasks but then the spring would start bubbling up again from deep within and I would catch myself uttering in tongues unconsciously without putting forth any effort. That state of being went on for a while until it gradually subsided. But even now, when I pray in tongues, I can feel the flow of the Lord a lot stronger and deeper in my spirit. Praise the Lord!
The other day I tried out praying in tongues for a long duration, because I've read how Mahesh Chavda did it and obtain a level of spiritual breakthrough after praying in the Spirit nonstop for several hours. I played a couple worship/instrumental cds on the side to help me get the flow going. I pressed in for about 2 hours (with several sips of water) and I began to pray in different variety of tongues that I have never prayed before. It was amazing! And I felt a strong presence of the Holy Spirit after the 1st hour. I was about to stop after 2 hours, but the Holy Spirit was flowing through me like a rushing river that I couldn't just stop. I would set my mind on other tasks but then the spring would start bubbling up again from deep within and I would catch myself uttering in tongues unconsciously without putting forth any effort. That state of being went on for a while until it gradually subsided. But even now, when I pray in tongues, I can feel the flow of the Lord a lot stronger and deeper in my spirit. Praise the Lord!
Saturday, February 19, 2005

More of the wackiness of our neighborhood. Rooster and a chicken! Actually, they have been around for a while. Once my housemate Ron had to go outside and chase this rooster away when he started crowing at 6 in the morning

We have this wild rabbit running around outside in our neighbor's front yard. Very interesting. Wondering if this could be a prophetic sign or something. What a cute little creature!

Friday, February 18, 2005
A good night
We had a powerful time at Res youth group tonight. Youth leader Jason brought forth a dynamic word about bearing fruit. He dealt with some of the core issues in the group and it was amazing to see how the youths responded in a positive way. There was an alter call at the end of the message and people responded to the Lord. Praise God! At the end I had a chance to play my "Change my life" song on the guitar, as I felt it was the right time in the Lord to play it. The lyrics of the song goes like this:
Sometimes, I feel stuck in myself again
And my mind is plagued by the things of the world
So before I fall down again, won't you come and save me.
Chorus: Won't you
Change my life, before tonight, change my life
Change my life, before I die, change my life
Sometimes, I don't confess my sins and repent
And I let the enemy get inside
So now I'm on my knees again, I am on my knees
This song was the 2nd song that I wrote playing the guitar. I still remember how God gave me the words during class at Stanford. It is a song of a desperate crying out to God for personal transformation. Tonight was my first time playing guitar and singing and ministering to the Res. youth group. I believe that it is the beginning of a new season that God is ushering in with the youth group, and that lives will be dramatically altered by the Lord as He draws them closer to Him. Also, during the meeting, we made an announcement about the start of an intercession class that I'll be teaching/leading on Wednesday nights. I am very excited about it and praying that the Holy Spirit would really take it and lead us deep into Him.
Next Saturday I'll be going on a ski trip with the youth group. This will be my first time skiing in the South, in North Carolina. I know that the mountains are just barely "hills" compared to the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges out West, where I've skied for most of my life, but it is always a blessing to be able to cruise downhill on a snowslope, no matter how long or short the runs are.
Here is the Scripture passage of the day:
Psalm 84:1-2
How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty!
My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord;
My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
I've added an outdoor wear links section on this website just for the fun of it, I guess. Since I am a skier, I have always been intrigued by how ski clothing companies design their jackets to keep out the cold and the snow, while keeping the jacket breathable, stylish, lightweight, and functional with lots of zipper pockets. I still remember the time when my parents caught me by surprise by purchasing a Patagonia ski jacket for me as a present. It is probably the best jacket I've ever worn in my life, in which I wear not just for skiing but for everyday life as well. It doesn't make me sweat and keeps me warm and comfortable. I still wear it often nowadays. Thanks, mom and dad!
Sometimes, I feel stuck in myself again
And my mind is plagued by the things of the world
So before I fall down again, won't you come and save me.
Chorus: Won't you
Change my life, before tonight, change my life
Change my life, before I die, change my life
Sometimes, I don't confess my sins and repent
And I let the enemy get inside
So now I'm on my knees again, I am on my knees
This song was the 2nd song that I wrote playing the guitar. I still remember how God gave me the words during class at Stanford. It is a song of a desperate crying out to God for personal transformation. Tonight was my first time playing guitar and singing and ministering to the Res. youth group. I believe that it is the beginning of a new season that God is ushering in with the youth group, and that lives will be dramatically altered by the Lord as He draws them closer to Him. Also, during the meeting, we made an announcement about the start of an intercession class that I'll be teaching/leading on Wednesday nights. I am very excited about it and praying that the Holy Spirit would really take it and lead us deep into Him.
Next Saturday I'll be going on a ski trip with the youth group. This will be my first time skiing in the South, in North Carolina. I know that the mountains are just barely "hills" compared to the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges out West, where I've skied for most of my life, but it is always a blessing to be able to cruise downhill on a snowslope, no matter how long or short the runs are.
Here is the Scripture passage of the day:
Psalm 84:1-2
How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty!
My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord;
My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
I've added an outdoor wear links section on this website just for the fun of it, I guess. Since I am a skier, I have always been intrigued by how ski clothing companies design their jackets to keep out the cold and the snow, while keeping the jacket breathable, stylish, lightweight, and functional with lots of zipper pockets. I still remember the time when my parents caught me by surprise by purchasing a Patagonia ski jacket for me as a present. It is probably the best jacket I've ever worn in my life, in which I wear not just for skiing but for everyday life as well. It doesn't make me sweat and keeps me warm and comfortable. I still wear it often nowadays. Thanks, mom and dad!
Thursday, February 17, 2005

This is a picture of me and bethany leading worship for youth group
joy Joy joy!
I have just finished listening to Arthur Burk's cd series "joy." I am just so thankful to the Lord for giving me this message/impartation/blessing to listen to. The series, like "Peace," is intended as baby blessings, for the newborn to listen to and receive the impartation. It is also good for grown children and adults to listen to as well. Needless to say, I will saturate my babies with "Peace" and "Joy" once I find a wife and produce offsprings. There has been some prophetic words spoken that this year is a year of joy and jubilee. I can sense it already. I know that I will walk in a higher level of divine joy for the rest of my life, no matter the external circumstances.
Last night I went to a new MorningStar homegroup, since the Resurrection youth worship practice was canceled and Fred's homegroup was canceled as well. I went to Keith and Katherine's homegroup by South Tryon. They have a group for young people in their 20's (like me). We had a good time of fellowship, worship, and prayer ministry. I receive alot from the Lord. Praise God! I felt rejuvenated and filled up with the Holy Spirit. Keith specifically felt led by the Lord to pray that He would give me powerful words to speak to the people. Katherine baked some really good brownies, and I ate a bunch of them. The other people who were present were Joseph, Carrie (a young couple), and David. I bless them in the Name of Jesus!
Before I left, Keith let me borrow a book by Benny Hinn called "He touched me," which is basically Benny's autobiography. I can't wait to start reading it. I have always wanted to read something by Benny, since I heard how Todd Bentley got fired up in Jesus after reading Benny's "Good morning, Holy Spirit." And various people have told me that Benny had a speech impediment growing up and that God healed and delivered him supernaturally from it. I claim that testimony for my own life in the name of Jesus, Amen!
After I returned home, I sat on my couch and listened to one of my favorite cds, Sara Groves' "All Right Here." There is such a tenderness, brokenness, and anointing in the music, and the lyrics are deep and heartfelt. Sara really holds nothing back as she examines her life and bares her soul to the Lord and to the world. I felt immersed in the love of God.
Here is the Scripture of the day:
~ Psalm 86:1-13 ~
Hear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.
Guard my life, for I am devoted to you.
You are my God; save your servant who trusts in you.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I call to you all day long.
Bring JOY to your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
You are forgiving and good, O Lord,
abounding in love to all who call to you.
Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry for mercy.
In the day of my trouble I will call to you,
for you will answer me.
Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord;
no deeds can compare with yours.
All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord;
they will bring glory to your name.
For you are great and do marvelous deeds;
you alone are God.
Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.
I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever.
For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.
Last night I went to a new MorningStar homegroup, since the Resurrection youth worship practice was canceled and Fred's homegroup was canceled as well. I went to Keith and Katherine's homegroup by South Tryon. They have a group for young people in their 20's (like me). We had a good time of fellowship, worship, and prayer ministry. I receive alot from the Lord. Praise God! I felt rejuvenated and filled up with the Holy Spirit. Keith specifically felt led by the Lord to pray that He would give me powerful words to speak to the people. Katherine baked some really good brownies, and I ate a bunch of them. The other people who were present were Joseph, Carrie (a young couple), and David. I bless them in the Name of Jesus!
Before I left, Keith let me borrow a book by Benny Hinn called "He touched me," which is basically Benny's autobiography. I can't wait to start reading it. I have always wanted to read something by Benny, since I heard how Todd Bentley got fired up in Jesus after reading Benny's "Good morning, Holy Spirit." And various people have told me that Benny had a speech impediment growing up and that God healed and delivered him supernaturally from it. I claim that testimony for my own life in the name of Jesus, Amen!
After I returned home, I sat on my couch and listened to one of my favorite cds, Sara Groves' "All Right Here." There is such a tenderness, brokenness, and anointing in the music, and the lyrics are deep and heartfelt. Sara really holds nothing back as she examines her life and bares her soul to the Lord and to the world. I felt immersed in the love of God.
Here is the Scripture of the day:
~ Psalm 86:1-13 ~
Hear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.
Guard my life, for I am devoted to you.
You are my God; save your servant who trusts in you.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I call to you all day long.
Bring JOY to your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
You are forgiving and good, O Lord,
abounding in love to all who call to you.
Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry for mercy.
In the day of my trouble I will call to you,
for you will answer me.
Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord;
no deeds can compare with yours.
All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord;
they will bring glory to your name.
For you are great and do marvelous deeds;
you alone are God.
Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.
I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever.
For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
A bunch of new additions!
Over the past several days I have incrementally added links to this website. I've decided to include some links to my personal interests, such as listening to Christian and classical music, playing guitar and electric violin, and skiing. I have just recently discovered Ruth Fazal, the prophetic Christian violinist, and her music is anointed! Hilary Hahn is a young classical violinist who is one of the best in the world. I'm praying for her salvation. It would be amazing if she can play for the Lord!
Under the Maestronet link you can have access to Benning violins when you click on "dealers & makers." That is the place, called Studio City Music, where I purchased my current classical violin. I can still remember that tiny violin shop, where "treasures" are stored. You can also find Metzler Violins in Glendale, CA, where I purchased my Zeta electric violin.
I bought my current acoustic guitar at Gryphon Strings, you can check out their website through my link to them. My co-worker Tom McSweeney at Gospel Books (Christian bookstore where I used to work at) took me there to buy that Martin-Sigma guitar during our lunch break. It was on a day where they had a gigantic one-day sale, and I got my guitar for 40% off. My previous guitar was stolen when somebody broke into my car in front of my house in the middle of the night. We didn't live in a very safe neighborhood (East Palo Alto). The reason that I left my guitar in the car was because it was raining so hard the previous night, I didn't bother bringing it into the house and have it get wet. That was a mistake! In the morning I found that the window to the front passenger side of my car was smashed, and my cds and guitar were gone. Praise the Lord for He was able to restore and give me a better guitar! (which my dad paid for, thanks dad!)
Lastly, I want to mention my link to my favorite ski area, Mammoth Mountain, in central California. I have skied there more than any other place, and the mountain never gets boring, because it is so big and have lots of varied terrain! Now that I am out east, I don't know if I'll ever get back there to ski again. Hopefully God will let it happen.
Under the Maestronet link you can have access to Benning violins when you click on "dealers & makers." That is the place, called Studio City Music, where I purchased my current classical violin. I can still remember that tiny violin shop, where "treasures" are stored. You can also find Metzler Violins in Glendale, CA, where I purchased my Zeta electric violin.
I bought my current acoustic guitar at Gryphon Strings, you can check out their website through my link to them. My co-worker Tom McSweeney at Gospel Books (Christian bookstore where I used to work at) took me there to buy that Martin-Sigma guitar during our lunch break. It was on a day where they had a gigantic one-day sale, and I got my guitar for 40% off. My previous guitar was stolen when somebody broke into my car in front of my house in the middle of the night. We didn't live in a very safe neighborhood (East Palo Alto). The reason that I left my guitar in the car was because it was raining so hard the previous night, I didn't bother bringing it into the house and have it get wet. That was a mistake! In the morning I found that the window to the front passenger side of my car was smashed, and my cds and guitar were gone. Praise the Lord for He was able to restore and give me a better guitar! (which my dad paid for, thanks dad!)
Lastly, I want to mention my link to my favorite ski area, Mammoth Mountain, in central California. I have skied there more than any other place, and the mountain never gets boring, because it is so big and have lots of varied terrain! Now that I am out east, I don't know if I'll ever get back there to ski again. Hopefully God will let it happen.
Monday, February 14, 2005
Light Amp foundational Scriptures
These verses are the foundational Scriptures of this Light Amp ministry:
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.
Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Matthew 5:14-16
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
From these three passages there are several key points shed light on how a person is to live in in this life. In no particular order:
- The Word of God is essential in guiding and directing us on the journey of life. This requires us both to read/study/meditate on the written Word (the Bible) and to learn how to hear the voice of God (spoken Word) for ourselves in every single circumstance in life.
- Salvation is found in God alone, and He is our security, and we are to be totally, utterly, completely, absolutely, ridiculously (as Heidi Baker would say) depended and reliant on God for every single moment of our lives. It is He who sustains us, and we live, move, and have our being in Him.
- Trusting in God vs. fear. "Perfect love casts out all fear." Fear is one of the strongholds in the world and in the church that keeps people from seeking God and becoming who God call them to be. Fear of man, or people-pleasing, is a major road-block to people being free in Christ. Every believer who seeks to live a life for God will have to overcome fear--fear of man, fear of criticism, fear of persecution, fear of rejection, fear of death, fear of failure, fear of deception, fear of discomfort, fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of demons, fear of pain, fear of suffering, etc.
- The transfer of God's light into us, and we become lights shining into the world (hence the name Light Amp). This is about becoming conformed to the image of God, becoming Christlike, having the mind of Christ, the character of Christ, the heart and love of Christ, the humility of Christ, the authority of Christ, the power of Christ, and the ministry of Christ. There are "good works" assigned for each of us to accomplish on earth, but we must realize that He is our strength, and that none of these good works can be accomplished apart from Him. "Apart from me you can do nothing."
Report from Sunday trip to Chapel Hill:
Greg, Bethany, and I went up to CCMC and had a successful time ministering to the youth group. Neil and Susan weren't able to come because Neil got sick. We are praying for him to get better physically. All three of us led worship on guitar (at different times), and I also played the violin. Greg gave a powerful message on Hosea, Bethany shared parts of her personal testimony and answered some questions, and we had some very good small group discussions about God and living for God. I had a chance to minister in prayer to some of the youths, and gave a short talk on spending time with God. I believe some of them are really beginning to seek the Lord and pursuing Him. Praise the Lord for what He is doing with the youths!
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.
Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Matthew 5:14-16
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
From these three passages there are several key points shed light on how a person is to live in in this life. In no particular order:
- The Word of God is essential in guiding and directing us on the journey of life. This requires us both to read/study/meditate on the written Word (the Bible) and to learn how to hear the voice of God (spoken Word) for ourselves in every single circumstance in life.
- Salvation is found in God alone, and He is our security, and we are to be totally, utterly, completely, absolutely, ridiculously (as Heidi Baker would say) depended and reliant on God for every single moment of our lives. It is He who sustains us, and we live, move, and have our being in Him.
- Trusting in God vs. fear. "Perfect love casts out all fear." Fear is one of the strongholds in the world and in the church that keeps people from seeking God and becoming who God call them to be. Fear of man, or people-pleasing, is a major road-block to people being free in Christ. Every believer who seeks to live a life for God will have to overcome fear--fear of man, fear of criticism, fear of persecution, fear of rejection, fear of death, fear of failure, fear of deception, fear of discomfort, fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of demons, fear of pain, fear of suffering, etc.
- The transfer of God's light into us, and we become lights shining into the world (hence the name Light Amp). This is about becoming conformed to the image of God, becoming Christlike, having the mind of Christ, the character of Christ, the heart and love of Christ, the humility of Christ, the authority of Christ, the power of Christ, and the ministry of Christ. There are "good works" assigned for each of us to accomplish on earth, but we must realize that He is our strength, and that none of these good works can be accomplished apart from Him. "Apart from me you can do nothing."
Report from Sunday trip to Chapel Hill:
Greg, Bethany, and I went up to CCMC and had a successful time ministering to the youth group. Neil and Susan weren't able to come because Neil got sick. We are praying for him to get better physically. All three of us led worship on guitar (at different times), and I also played the violin. Greg gave a powerful message on Hosea, Bethany shared parts of her personal testimony and answered some questions, and we had some very good small group discussions about God and living for God. I had a chance to minister in prayer to some of the youths, and gave a short talk on spending time with God. I believe some of them are really beginning to seek the Lord and pursuing Him. Praise the Lord for what He is doing with the youths!
Saturday, February 12, 2005
The Official Launch of!
Today is the official, grand-opening day of! Hooray! This website was formerly just a blog but I have transformed it into an internet portal where you can access tons of wonderful Christian resources on the web (not to mention my own resources for free distribution). Now, instead of typing out "" you can just type ""
From here, you can check out my blog updates on what is going on in my ministry life, personal life, and what I'm reading, listening, and thinking about (I like to post reviews of Christian books, messages, and music which I think are valuable for the Body of Christ to immerse in). In addition, you can find my contact and giving information here on "Page 2." My online photo album has also been relocated to "Page 2."
On the right-hand side of the page, you can access articles that I have written, mostly for the equipping of the church and the individual believer. You can print out "The China Report" (about 25 pages long). It is essential for the Christian out here in the western world to know what God is doing in China right now. God is raising up the Chinese church to be a witness to the rest of the church and the world as well. Also read "Crash Course Series: New Church Structures." We need the new wineskins in the church to hold the new moves of God coming soon. I won't go into the rest of the my articles here, you can view them for yourself. The book review is a handy resource for those who want to know what's good out there in the Christian bookstores. Again, feel free to print, copy, or forward these resources to others who may benefit from them.
Below my personal resources are links to other Christian resources and ministries. Some of the best ministry website links on this page that I recommend you check out are: Wade Taylor, Greg Burnett, International House of Prayer Kansas City, Arthur Burk, Soul Survivor, Art Katz, Morningstar, Samaritan's Purse, YWAM, Bible Gateway, Justice House of Prayer, George Otis, Jr, just to mention a few. Though I'm not totally familiar with every single ministry link I put on this website, I believe that each one is a key ministry in the kingdom of God, and that all of them are sound, biblical, and rooted deeply in Christ. Of course, it is impossible to keep track of the spiritual journey of each individual ministry, I trust that you would use your own judgment and discernment when receiving the teachings of these ministries, and be open to the Holy Spirit leading you into deeper revelations of truth. I would encourage you to explore each of these links and they will give you a better, more comprehensive view of the church and the kingdom of God globally, and you might learn and receive something from the Lord which will help you in your walk with Him.
I will be putting up more ministry links as I come to know more of them that are good. If you have any recommendation regarding good ministry or resource sites, just let me know, and I'll see if I will put them on here or not.
Last night I had the opportunity to speak to a group of youths at Resurrection church. I have been hanging out with the youth group for the past couple week but this was the first time that I got to speak in front of the group. I got to share an overview of my life testimony, how I got to know the Lord in an intimate way after becoming desperate to seek after Him, and how He transformed my life, and brought me here to this place in Charlotte, doing what I do now. You can view a part of my testimony in "Testimony Tract" under ~Sam's Stuff~ . Hopefully the message had a positive impact on the youths, and I am praying that God would continue to work in their lives in a powerful way. They are planning a ski trip soon and I hope I would be able to go with them, Lord willing.
Philippine trip update: After much prayer, I have decided to move forward to visiting Jenelyn. I would have to postpone my return flight (which will incur additional cost), and arrange for lodging and transportation in my additional days there (more cost). But I am feeling the peace of the Lord in this and the Lord is already starting to bring in additional funding that will help with the extra expenses. However, I still need more financial support and I am praying that God will provide like He always have. I am thanking God in advance for the great things He will do. Praise the Lord!
From here, you can check out my blog updates on what is going on in my ministry life, personal life, and what I'm reading, listening, and thinking about (I like to post reviews of Christian books, messages, and music which I think are valuable for the Body of Christ to immerse in). In addition, you can find my contact and giving information here on "Page 2." My online photo album has also been relocated to "Page 2."
On the right-hand side of the page, you can access articles that I have written, mostly for the equipping of the church and the individual believer. You can print out "The China Report" (about 25 pages long). It is essential for the Christian out here in the western world to know what God is doing in China right now. God is raising up the Chinese church to be a witness to the rest of the church and the world as well. Also read "Crash Course Series: New Church Structures." We need the new wineskins in the church to hold the new moves of God coming soon. I won't go into the rest of the my articles here, you can view them for yourself. The book review is a handy resource for those who want to know what's good out there in the Christian bookstores. Again, feel free to print, copy, or forward these resources to others who may benefit from them.
Below my personal resources are links to other Christian resources and ministries. Some of the best ministry website links on this page that I recommend you check out are: Wade Taylor, Greg Burnett, International House of Prayer Kansas City, Arthur Burk, Soul Survivor, Art Katz, Morningstar, Samaritan's Purse, YWAM, Bible Gateway, Justice House of Prayer, George Otis, Jr, just to mention a few. Though I'm not totally familiar with every single ministry link I put on this website, I believe that each one is a key ministry in the kingdom of God, and that all of them are sound, biblical, and rooted deeply in Christ. Of course, it is impossible to keep track of the spiritual journey of each individual ministry, I trust that you would use your own judgment and discernment when receiving the teachings of these ministries, and be open to the Holy Spirit leading you into deeper revelations of truth. I would encourage you to explore each of these links and they will give you a better, more comprehensive view of the church and the kingdom of God globally, and you might learn and receive something from the Lord which will help you in your walk with Him.
I will be putting up more ministry links as I come to know more of them that are good. If you have any recommendation regarding good ministry or resource sites, just let me know, and I'll see if I will put them on here or not.
Last night I had the opportunity to speak to a group of youths at Resurrection church. I have been hanging out with the youth group for the past couple week but this was the first time that I got to speak in front of the group. I got to share an overview of my life testimony, how I got to know the Lord in an intimate way after becoming desperate to seek after Him, and how He transformed my life, and brought me here to this place in Charlotte, doing what I do now. You can view a part of my testimony in "Testimony Tract" under ~Sam's Stuff~ . Hopefully the message had a positive impact on the youths, and I am praying that God would continue to work in their lives in a powerful way. They are planning a ski trip soon and I hope I would be able to go with them, Lord willing.
Philippine trip update: After much prayer, I have decided to move forward to visiting Jenelyn. I would have to postpone my return flight (which will incur additional cost), and arrange for lodging and transportation in my additional days there (more cost). But I am feeling the peace of the Lord in this and the Lord is already starting to bring in additional funding that will help with the extra expenses. However, I still need more financial support and I am praying that God will provide like He always have. I am thanking God in advance for the great things He will do. Praise the Lord!
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Meditation prayer on Proverbs 2:6-8
V6) For the LORD gives wisdom, from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
V7) He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity,
V8) Guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of his saints.
Lord, you are my shield, my protection, my protector, my guard, my guardian, my defender. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
Help me to walk in integrity and righteousness. Help me to live in purity and holiness. I want to be pure and holy, that I may have discipline, self-control, patience, lovingkindness, mercy, grace, goodness, love, faithfulness, abounding more and more, let your light shine through me and pierce the darkness.
Watch over me and instruct my path, show me where to go, what to do, what to say, and how to think and act and react to all types of situation. I pray that I may receive wisdom from You.
V7) He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity,
V8) Guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of his saints.
Lord, you are my shield, my protection, my protector, my guard, my guardian, my defender. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
Help me to walk in integrity and righteousness. Help me to live in purity and holiness. I want to be pure and holy, that I may have discipline, self-control, patience, lovingkindness, mercy, grace, goodness, love, faithfulness, abounding more and more, let your light shine through me and pierce the darkness.
Watch over me and instruct my path, show me where to go, what to do, what to say, and how to think and act and react to all types of situation. I pray that I may receive wisdom from You.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
report from the youth group meeting
Sorry it has taken me so long to update you on what happened last Friday night at the Resurrection youth group. Meredith, one of the main leaders there, delivered a powerful, convicting message on loving one another and becoming life-givers. She really addressed the issue of people getting offended at each other and talking bad about each other, which creates an atmosphere of negativity and sin, and allows the devil to have a foothold in our personal lives and in the group as a whole. And at the end, we had a feet-washing service where each guy prayed and washed the feet of another guy, and vice versa. The girls did the same. It was really a sacred, holy moment in the Lord, and I believe that this will have the effect of bringing everyone closer together and closer to the Lord. Praise God! Please keep these group of youths in prayer, thanks!
Afterwards, I had more constructive and great conversations with the leaders and the youths as it was a time for socializing. I will be easing into a role with the group, as I get to know them and they get to know me. I am praying that the Lord will use me be a vessel of blessing to them, and that He would speak His words through me to impart into their lives. I pray that none of them would be taken into captivity by the enemy for any duration in their lives, but that each person will walk in victory and intimacy in Christ Jesus. This week I will probably be helping out with worship a bit on the violin, and share a bit of my personal testimony on Friday. Pray that everything will go well according to God's will, and that He will draw each youth closer to Him, and bring about breakthroughs in every aspect of their lives (familial, relational, educational, financial, physical, emotional, and spiritual). I pray all of this in the Name of Jesus, Amen!
Afterwards, I had more constructive and great conversations with the leaders and the youths as it was a time for socializing. I will be easing into a role with the group, as I get to know them and they get to know me. I am praying that the Lord will use me be a vessel of blessing to them, and that He would speak His words through me to impart into their lives. I pray that none of them would be taken into captivity by the enemy for any duration in their lives, but that each person will walk in victory and intimacy in Christ Jesus. This week I will probably be helping out with worship a bit on the violin, and share a bit of my personal testimony on Friday. Pray that everything will go well according to God's will, and that He will draw each youth closer to Him, and bring about breakthroughs in every aspect of their lives (familial, relational, educational, financial, physical, emotional, and spiritual). I pray all of this in the Name of Jesus, Amen!
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Thursday, February 03, 2005
attending youth meeting tomorrow night
Tomorrow night I will be attending the youth group meeting at Resurrection church. It will be my second time there at the youth meeting. These youths are so precious to the Lord, and I don't think they realize this yet. They are the "treasure" of heaven in which the enemy is trying to steal. But I am praying that not one of them be lost. I am praying that God will draw each person closer to Him, and preserve each heart. Pray that they will step into their destinies in Jesus Christ and become who they are created to be.
I was finishing reading Mahesh Chavda's book "The Hidden Power of Speaking in Tongues" today, and I found this really good passage: "Praying in the Spirit consistently will lead to breakthrough in every area of life, and we will find ourselves greatly strengthened in our inner man."
I have been listening to Arthur Burk's teaching/prayer cds "Peace" part 1 and 2. They are very different than other teaching cds, because over half of the time is Arthur praying different blessings and peace over you. These are some of the best messages that I have listened to. Arthur Burk is part of Plumbline Ministry, and I have put a link to his website on the right hand side.
We had a great "harp and bowl" meeting tonight. A lady at the came up and said that she really felt the flood of God during the worship and intercession. Praise the Lord! I felt really great playing the violin. It was a good flow in the Spirit. However, my electric violin stopped sounding near the end and I had to switch to my classical violin. I am praying that there is nothing wrong with my electric. We'll find out soon enough.
Next Sunday I'll be leading a team up to Chapel Hill to minister to the youth group at CCMC. The team consists of me, Greg, Neil, his wife Susan, and Bethany. We will be doing worship, teaching, and prayer ministry up there. Pray that God will really show up and touch the lives of these youths. God bless.
I was finishing reading Mahesh Chavda's book "The Hidden Power of Speaking in Tongues" today, and I found this really good passage: "Praying in the Spirit consistently will lead to breakthrough in every area of life, and we will find ourselves greatly strengthened in our inner man."
I have been listening to Arthur Burk's teaching/prayer cds "Peace" part 1 and 2. They are very different than other teaching cds, because over half of the time is Arthur praying different blessings and peace over you. These are some of the best messages that I have listened to. Arthur Burk is part of Plumbline Ministry, and I have put a link to his website on the right hand side.
We had a great "harp and bowl" meeting tonight. A lady at the came up and said that she really felt the flood of God during the worship and intercession. Praise the Lord! I felt really great playing the violin. It was a good flow in the Spirit. However, my electric violin stopped sounding near the end and I had to switch to my classical violin. I am praying that there is nothing wrong with my electric. We'll find out soon enough.
Next Sunday I'll be leading a team up to Chapel Hill to minister to the youth group at CCMC. The team consists of me, Greg, Neil, his wife Susan, and Bethany. We will be doing worship, teaching, and prayer ministry up there. Pray that God will really show up and touch the lives of these youths. God bless.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Playing keyboard
As some of you know, I own a small Roland keyboard which I normally don't play, because I don't really know how to play. I had taken a year of piano lessons when I was 6-7 years old in Taiwan, but after that I stopped playing and we moved to America. Now that I know how to play the guitar and the violin, my interest in learning the keyboard has grown. I figure that all I need to do is to learn to play chords and improvise off that. I can play some simple worship songs just by playing a few chords. So I started playing now and I think I'm getting better and better, slowly. Praise God! I can worship on it now. It's a new way to worship for me personally, and it opens a whole new world where I can offer up praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.