Tuesday, February 22, 2005

M:Robe - ditigal camera and mp3 player

I saw the commercial during the Super Bowl and was intrigued by it. you can go to the website to check it out. www.olympusgroove.com It's pretty slick. Maybe God can give me one as a present!

The other day I tried out praying in tongues for a long duration, because I've read how Mahesh Chavda did it and obtain a level of spiritual breakthrough after praying in the Spirit nonstop for several hours. I played a couple worship/instrumental cds on the side to help me get the flow going. I pressed in for about 2 hours (with several sips of water) and I began to pray in different variety of tongues that I have never prayed before. It was amazing! And I felt a strong presence of the Holy Spirit after the 1st hour. I was about to stop after 2 hours, but the Holy Spirit was flowing through me like a rushing river that I couldn't just stop. I would set my mind on other tasks but then the spring would start bubbling up again from deep within and I would catch myself uttering in tongues unconsciously without putting forth any effort. That state of being went on for a while until it gradually subsided. But even now, when I pray in tongues, I can feel the flow of the Lord a lot stronger and deeper in my spirit. Praise the Lord!

Great - thanks.
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