Friday, February 17, 2006
Best posts of 2005
1. Snow 2. MS Worship 3. NBA game 4. Rabbit 5. Youth Worship
6. launch! 7. Chris 8. Solemn Assembly 9. Visiting Jenelyn
10. Emergency!11. Philippines worship 12. Isaiah 50:4 13. Grandma's funeral
14. Taiwan family 15. Greg's family 16. 17 yrs 17. Flying to St. Louis 18. Hiking
19. Transfer in HK 20. At Gid's wedding 21. Phone! 22. I will sing 23. Meeting w/ Kirk
24. Bears! 25. 8 moves 26. SD Youth 27. Cooper River 28. Walking to Church
29. Song 2:11-12 30. Revival or Riot?
6. launch! 7. Chris 8. Solemn Assembly 9. Visiting Jenelyn
10. Emergency!11. Philippines worship 12. Isaiah 50:4 13. Grandma's funeral
14. Taiwan family 15. Greg's family 16. 17 yrs 17. Flying to St. Louis 18. Hiking
19. Transfer in HK 20. At Gid's wedding 21. Phone! 22. I will sing 23. Meeting w/ Kirk
24. Bears! 25. 8 moves 26. SD Youth 27. Cooper River 28. Walking to Church
29. Song 2:11-12 30. Revival or Riot?
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Taiwan Missions Prayer Letter
As some of you know, I am heading to Taiwan this March for close to one month. Click on the link above to read all about it. Please keep me in your prayers!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Great Harp & Bowl Set last night
After a frustrating Harp & Bowl set last week, our team talked about making a few more adjustments and work on developing the prophetic singing and instrumentation. So I was not too surprised when the grace was there last night to take us deeper into the Lord. It was the best set we had in a while. Praise God! Matt, our worship leader on acoustic guitar, was more sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and made an effort to have more eye contact and communication with the rest of us. We got into a powerful flow, and I was playing hard on my violin. I was a bit exhausted afterwards, but I was glad that I gave my best to Him. It is times like these that reminds me why "better is one day in your courts, than thousands elsewhere." (Psalm 84)
Afterwards, we (Greg, Neal, and I) went out to Steak & Shake to fill up on some good burgers and fellowship in the Lord.
On another note, my cousin Florence have just purchased my plane ticket for my trip to Taiwan in March. Here are the dates: 3/7 arrival in Taiwan, and 4/4 back to the States. Please keep me in prayer for this trip. I am planning to send out my prayer support letter soon. Stay tuned.
Afterwards, we (Greg, Neal, and I) went out to Steak & Shake to fill up on some good burgers and fellowship in the Lord.
On another note, my cousin Florence have just purchased my plane ticket for my trip to Taiwan in March. Here are the dates: 3/7 arrival in Taiwan, and 4/4 back to the States. Please keep me in prayer for this trip. I am planning to send out my prayer support letter soon. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Anointed drums/percussion/bass set at ZHOP
Last night, I went to the Monday 10 pm shift at the ZHOP, 5 minutes away from my house. Unaware, I walked in just for the start of the unique "Rhythm" set led by Kirk Bennett as the prayer leader. They had up to 5 people on drums (different kind of drums too) at the same time. There was no keyboard, guitar, or any other kind of melodic instrument. They had one guy on bass who also switches to hand drums at times. It was cool to see the bass as the lead instrument in the worship and intercession. The singing and the prayers were very anointed, and it seemed like the Lord enjoys this "new" sound that they are producing. It was lots of fun!
Many times they connected with a good flow and groove, and people were dancing to the rhythm, and at times the music felt like a Moby soundtrack (I like Moby's sound, though I don't like much of the lyrics of his music. Moby is a self-professing Christian, but he has a pretty liberal worldview and doesn't seem to connect with church at all). Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed this style of worship and intercession, and I might want to come out to more of these sets in the future.
Many times they connected with a good flow and groove, and people were dancing to the rhythm, and at times the music felt like a Moby soundtrack (I like Moby's sound, though I don't like much of the lyrics of his music. Moby is a self-professing Christian, but he has a pretty liberal worldview and doesn't seem to connect with church at all). Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed this style of worship and intercession, and I might want to come out to more of these sets in the future.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Wonderful time at Conference
Last weekend, Florence (my cousin), Henry (her husband), and I had a great time attending the MorningStar Kingdom Leadership conference. We heard excellent messages by Rick Joyner, Jack Deere, and Mike Bickle. Jack Deere preached several phenomonal teachings on the structure of church leadership, specifically on the roles of apostles and elders (trans-local and local leadership in the Body of Christ). They were so good that we got the messages on CD. Also, we found out that Jack is now leading a church in Fort Worth, Texas called Wellspring. Kate Miner, a well-known worship leader/recording artist, has joined Jack's team and is leading worship for them. She also led worship a couple times at the conference.
Mike Bickle, the director of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City ( spoke on Friday and Saturday nights (plus the Sunday morning service). He spoke on the significance of Jerusalem and Israel, being prepared in the last days, and having a "high vision" for revival, glory, and power in your life. MorningStar will be putting these messages in mp3 format for download (for a price) on their website,, so you can hear these messages for yourself if you are interested.
Mike Bickle, the director of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City ( spoke on Friday and Saturday nights (plus the Sunday morning service). He spoke on the significance of Jerusalem and Israel, being prepared in the last days, and having a "high vision" for revival, glory, and power in your life. MorningStar will be putting these messages in mp3 format for download (for a price) on their website,, so you can hear these messages for yourself if you are interested.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Florence & Henry arrival in Charlotte
Wednesday evening, my cousin Florence and her husband Henry flew into Charlotte International Airport safely, and I picked them up in my Toyota Camry around 6:30 pm. They came from Seattle via Dallas-Fort Worth, and were surprised to find out how cold Charlotte is right now. The temperatures have been in the mid-20's F this week, which is a bit colder than normal. However, they were glad to see me, and were very excited to be able to attend the MorningStar "Kingdom Leadership" conference. I'll keep you posted in regards to how the conference is going.
On another note, I got an email last night indicating that the Ashbury Colllege revival is still going on! Praise the Lord! Let's pray for the Lord to keep it sustained according to His will, and that other campuses/regions would be set on fire by God as well. Amen!
On another note, I got an email last night indicating that the Ashbury Colllege revival is still going on! Praise the Lord! Let's pray for the Lord to keep it sustained according to His will, and that other campuses/regions would be set on fire by God as well. Amen!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Revival breaking out at Ashbury College
Click here to read Jaeson Ma's report on this incredible outpouring. Let support the people at Ashbury with our prayers! And let us pray that revival fire will spread to other campuses and regions as well. Lord, pour out your spirit!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Pittsburgh wins Super Bowl
If you watched it last night, you would have seen the Pittsburgh Steelers beating the Seattle Seahawks 21-10 in Super Bowl 40. I hope my cousin and her friends living in Seattle are not too saddened by the loss. With this victory, the Steelers have now won 5 Super Bowls in their history, and hence becoming the 3rd team in the National Football League (NFL) to win 5 Super Bowls (along with the Dallas Cowboys and the San Francisco 49ers). I find this statistic very interesting, because it forms the pattern 5-5-5, which spiritually stands for grace, grace, grace!
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Super Sunday
Today is Super Bowl XL, the championship game of the National Football League in the United States. It is one of the most watched television event in America, and it is the busiest day for pizza delivery shops in the States, as tons of people order pizzas to eat as they watch the game. Some past Super Bowls have been boring blowouts, where one team dominates the other, other times, the games have been ultra-competitive, which is fun to watch.
The televised game will be on at 6:30 pm Eastern Time (US). Before that, at 3 pm, I am planning to play a real game of flag football with the ZHOP folks again. Hopefully, my team will win this time.
The televised game will be on at 6:30 pm Eastern Time (US). Before that, at 3 pm, I am planning to play a real game of flag football with the ZHOP folks again. Hopefully, my team will win this time.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
New Youth Ministry Page!
Check out this new page that I've just created. Youth ministry is a vital component of Light Amp, and this page will give you a good idea of my ministry philosophy, experiences, and mission. I think you will find it very informative, and the page has tons of links to other great youth ministry websites!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Losing at Scrabble
Yesterday, I lost for the third consecutive time at Scrabble with Mary Ann, an elderly lady whom I play with on a regular basis. I have never lost three straight games to her, so it seems like she is getting better and smarter, because I don't think I'm getting worse. Anyways, I better come up with a new strategy or something to beat her next time.
On another note, the other day I was in the ZHOP prayer room and, surprise! My old acquaintance Aswan North was leading worship by himself on electric guitar. I haven't seen Aswan in a while, and I had no idea he was connected with the ZHOP. It was good to see him again and listen to him flow in worship to the Lord.
On another note, the other day I was in the ZHOP prayer room and, surprise! My old acquaintance Aswan North was leading worship by himself on electric guitar. I haven't seen Aswan in a while, and I had no idea he was connected with the ZHOP. It was good to see him again and listen to him flow in worship to the Lord.
Bethany's getting married!