Wednesday, March 30, 2005
North Carolina's Anti-Cohabitation Law
A very encouraging word for today!
Small Straws In A Soft Wind
by Marsha Burns
March 30, 2005: Psalm 18:19 "He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me." Indeed I do delight in you, and even though there are hindrances and difficulties to face, I will bring you out into a "broad place." That is, a place of growth and expansion. You will find as much space as you need to move about freely and express My kingdom in your environment. You are about to experience more freedom than you have ever known or even imagined. Prepare to depart from the darkness of the past and emerge into the light of new liberty and hope. Give up any negative perspective and be released to live in the glory of My presence and promises, says the Lord.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
What you need to know about Terri Schiavo
Urgent Prayer Request! Pray for Zarina
Thanks so much for all your prayers.
Pray for victims in Indonesian quake
We all need to rest more
Monday, March 28, 2005
New Prayer Request page
Pictures from the Solemn Assembly

Sean Stevens leading the Harp & Bowl team on keys.

Jason on drums. Sam on electric violin.
Mark 16:6
Reflection on Easter
NOW on the very first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared.
But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb.
Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
And it happened, as they were greatly perplexed about this, that behold, two men stood by them in shining garments.
Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?
He is not here, but is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee,
saying, 'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.'"
And they remembered His words.
This passage is fully loaded. I'll just go over several points.
1). Religious Preservation turned into Perplexion - Often we like to preserve and dwell on the memories of what God has done before, and we go into a routine of ritual of remembrance. But when God changes things we become perplexed and confused, and question God, because He is doing something NOW, and we fall into stress and anxiety. This ought not to be.
2). "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" - We need to be positioned exactly where God wants us, spiritually and geographically, or we might just fall into one of those "dead spots." And we all need to "seek the living" where life is, on a daily basis, to go to the source of life to receive greater impartations of life from the life-giver. People who don't know God are always trying to seek life, whether consciously or unconsciously, in places that does not give them life, but death, such as drugs, alcohol, video games, movies, and even sex (suppose to be life-producing when practiced in God's order and design) in fornication, adultery (sins that leads to death), leading to the spreading of HIV/STDs, and abortion in the killing of life.
3). He is not here, but is risen! - Jesus is not in the tomb. He has risen. Meditate on this.
4). And they remembered His words - This is an exhortation for us to constantly go over the gospels and to have His words stuck permanently in our minds and hearts.
May God bless you abundantly in this season of hope and rejoicing!
Friday, March 25, 2005
Solemn Assembly in Kannapolis
Dutch Sheets Prayer Alert!
As I am sure is the case with many of you, I have been following the Terri Schiavo situation in Florida very closely. Though I was already concerned and praying, an incredibly strong burden began to overwhelm me yesterday (Wednesday, March 23). As I prayed and processed, I became convinced that this situation is not just about Mrs. Schiavo. As precious as even one soul is to God, I believe this situation is all about our nation.
I feel that God is allowing it to epitomize where we are as a nation, picturing for us the death culture that has overtaken us in America. I do want to be careful at this point not to cast any dispersion on those who have had to make the excruciating decision to disconnect loved ones from life support. I have had to stand with individuals, giving them comfort and support as they made this decision for brain-dead loved ones. However, I have a very deep conviction that is not what is taking place in this case.
Death Will Try to ReignAs this burden began to intensify yesterday, I called Chuck Pierce and Ken Malone (the Strategic Prayer Network state coordinator for Florida). He reminded me of a word Chuck gave about Florida a few months ago. Chuck prophesied, "A strategy will be uncovered out of Florida that will be very detrimental to our land . . . a strategy that will try to mature to stop the plan for this nation out of Florida, to bring confusion in this land." Chuck also told me yesterday that when he gave this word, he saw a death structure in Florida that would become an issue before the nation – that death would try to reign from there.
I feel very strongly that if we don't overcome this spirit of death, a new wave of violence and death will be released across our nation. It could manifest through suicides, terrorism, disease, euthanasia, increased abortions, murder, etc. How it manifests may vary, but I am issuing the warning:
If this is allowed to continue in Florida, this spirit of death will be unleashed with a vengeance. But it is not too late to try to stop it! Begin immediately and with great diligence to do the following:
1) Ask God for more time. Pray that Terri not die, even if God has to keep her alive supernaturally for awhile.
2) Repent on behalf of our nation for allowing death to rule through greed and selfishness. Repent for our complacency and dullness to the horrible genocide in America through abortion and other means.
3) Ask God for mercy on us.
4) Stand against this spirit of death. Make biblical decrees against it. Decree that America's covenant with death will be broken (Isaiah 28:15,18), as well as anything else He gives you to pray and decree.
5) Do not turn this over to the courts. It may appear that they have the final say but they don't. For too long, the church has failed to realize that we have more authority on earth than any human institution. We lose by default. Take this situation out of their hands and rule through spiritual authority and weapons. (This is also all about the spiritual battle that is taking place over the ungodly element in our courts. This stronghold must and will come down, but the war must be won in the spiritual realm before we see complete breakthrough naturally.)
6) Pray for Governor Jeb Bush. Pray that, like the midwives in Egypt, he refuses to honor this decree of death. Pray that he realizes he is an Esther, placed where he is for such a time as this. Pray that he makes the same stand she did – "If I perish, I perish, but I will do what is right in the sight of God" (see Esther 4:16). Pray against fear, compromise and political spirits. Pray for wisdom, strength and boldness. He is a good man and fighting hard. Undergird him.
Let's together break this assault. Let's say "Enough!" I am on my way to Florida as I write this. I will war from there – you war from wherever you are. Help us save Terri's life and many other lives, and keep this spirit of death from going to a new level in America. We can do it!
For life,
by Dutch Sheets
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Visit Resurrection Youth Group website!
Today at The Light Amp:
~ Prayer Alert for Kyrgyzstan at the PrayStation.
~ Updated Worship Page.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Stormie's Story
On another note, I've updated all three of my Light Amp branch pages: Resource, Worship, and PrayStation. Go there to see what I've added (new teachings and links).
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
New Prayer Alerts at PrayStation!
Monday, March 21, 2005
The Incredibles!
On another note, I just added a few more songs on the Worship Page, you can check them out.

Saturday, March 19, 2005
New Taylor T5 Guitar

Friday, March 18, 2005
Praise Report from Intercession Class!

Tuesday Night Harp and Bowl Singers: Connie, Susan, and Neil, with Pastor Mark DeVito on the keyboard.

Thursday, March 17, 2005
Update from Florida Terri Schiavo case
This is a significant court case that would determine if people can "pull the tube" from patients who have been living in a vegetative state. Like the abortion issue, this is about whether we will choose life or death here in America. Any notion of attempting to end a life, regardless of their physical/mental state, is declaring blatantly to God that there is no way for this person to recover to full health. What this imply is an absolute denial of God's power to supernaturally heal a human being on earth.
"God, I implore You right now in the the Name of your son Jesus Christ. I am asking You to supernaturally heal Terri Schiavo of her brain damage right now. I ask You to do a creative miracle as I type out this prayer. This is an issue of your glory, Father. These people, even some Christians, don't even believe that You have the power to restore her life and health right now. Some don't even believe that You exist and are active in human affairs. I ask You to show up in Terri's room right now, and display your power, love, and glory. Do not be inactive, O Lord, do not let them say there is no God, do not let them believe that You are incapable to heal and intervene in this matter.
Father God, I intercede on the behalf od Terri Schiavo. You love her so much, Lord. You created her and you did not create her just to die. I do not believe that it is her time to go yet. Rescue her from the grips of death. I speak life into Terri right now in the Name of Jesus Christ. Spirit of death, depart from her in the Name of Jesus, and do not let wicked man take control of her destiny. I believe that You still have an awesome plan for her life. Save her, O Lord! Let her restoration be a living testimony to all of the power and greatness of God. Let her enemies (and your enemies) be put to shame. Triumph over your enemies O Lord. God, arise, and let your enemies be scattered. Reveal your healing power, O Lord, over her life. Do it, O Lord, I ask you, I am your son come to You, my father. Please grant my request. Breathe life into her, fill her with your Holy Spirit. Let the God who raised Lazarus from the dead be the God of Terri Schiavo. I pray this in the Name of Jesus, Amen."
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
For your convenience
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You are also welcome to make "The Light Amp" as your web portal to access all Christian and non-Christian info on the internet. Sure enough, the most relevant news and information in the world is only a click away at "The Light Amp," and I hope you take full advantage of the resources here.
You can even make "The Light Amp" your personal home page (start page) on your internet browser, if you wish. If you have Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, just go to "Tools" then click on "(internet) Options." There you can reset your homepage to
Little girl commutes to school by mule
Check out "30 Second Kneel Down!"
Thought-provoking article by Arthur Burk
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
What's new at the Light Amp!
Prayer Request for upcoming Philippines mission trip.
Prayer Alert! for preservation of marriage in California.
At the Worship Page:
Recommended Music--upcoming release of Suzy's worship cd.
New worship songs by Sam uploaded.
Scripture of the Day - Jeremiah 1:4-5
The word of the LORD came to me, saying,
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Monday, March 14, 2005
A little bit about myself
My primary function in life is to develop/maintain/cultivate my personal relationship with God, deeper, closer, better. I am created to be loved by Him and to love Him, and to give His love to those around me in the world. I am created to worship Him and enjoy Him forever. God has made Himself to be the highest pleasure attainable in the universe, and that is reality. I stand before Him, wait on Him, behold Him, and minister to Him.
In addition to my devotional ministry to the LORD, currently I am doing many other things here in Charlotte, NC. I lead worship on guitar and on the (electric) violin. I write and sing worship songs. I pray and teach a class on prayer and intercession. I enhance and maintain this website. And I travel around ministering to youths and other people locally and internationally. I help people grow closer to God. In various situations I am an intercessor, a worship leader/musician, a teacher/minister, evangelist/healer, writer, etc. by the grace of God. I have a heart for the youths and my desire is to raise up those who will know God and move in His power in these last days.
Generally, I try to hear from God and do what He tells me to do. I don't pretend to be always 100 percent perfect in doing His will, but I thank God that He gives me the grace to do it. I am grateful that He has given me this opportunity to be in this position, to be with Him work with Him for the salvation and restoration of the nations.
Scented Bowling Balls!
7 dead in church shooting
This is another wake-up call for the church (click on the title link to read the article). Our failure to bring innerhealing and deliverance to individuals will lead to more outbursts of demonic manifestation in the church, with the people powerless to stop it. The devil is mocking the church by not having this happen in just some secular arenas, but in the "church." If the saints don't know how to pray and war in the heavenlies, and minister to the afflicted, this type of serious "mocking" publicized by the media will continue. However, we need to pray that God would comfort those who have their loved ones killed in this incident, and bring revelation to them on why this happened, and that they would not lose their faith in God, and their love for Him. And we need to pray for the mercy of God to fall upon us, and that He would not let His children be put to shame. Equip us for this endtime battle, O Lord!
Rising tension between Mainland China and Taiwan
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Ex-Korn Guitarist Finally at Peace
Benny Hinn responds to NBC Dateline
Prayer/action alert from the Cause
Urgent Call to Action -- Court orders termination of food and water for Terri Schiavo on March 18, 2005.
In 1973, a Haman-type decree, Roe v. Wade, was written that has wiped out over a third of our generation. Right now, we are again in a moment in history where Life hangs in the balance of the courts. Today, in Tallahassee, FL, there is a death decree written for Terri Schiavo that will not only destroy her life, but will set a judicial precedent that will open wide the gates for a new wave of death to destroy the lives of many physically and mentally impaired people in our nation.
One seven year old boy, after hearing about the situation of Terri Schiavo said, “This is just like abortion on adults…” Truer words were never spoken – the courts are at another Roe v. Wade moment. As we fight for Terri’s life, we literally fight for the lives of all those who our society might consider ‘unworthy’ of life.
40 years ago, thousands answered the call to stand in the gap and fight against the injustice suffered by African Americans in America. These heroic men and women braved persecution, beatings and imprisonment, but this movement born out of prayer, fasting, and a willingness to suffer for righteousness’ sake turned the course of a nation.
Rights are won, not given. We must arise -- the life issue is at the forefront of God’s heart and the antichrist spirit has not ceased to make war on the seed of the woman. This is your clarion call to stand for life -- We are commissioning a militia of red warriors from across America to come stand with us! Will you sacrifice a week to hold back this scourge of death?
We will be laying Silent Sieges at a number of Florida locations over the coming week: with red tape over our mouth to identify with the silent cry of those like Terri who cannot cry out on their own behalf, we will pray silently before courthouses, the governor’s mansion and the hospice where Terri lies awaiting the court’s decision of life or death.
Make plans immediatelyto join the Life Riders – stand for LIFE in Florida!
Sunday, March 13 3:00 – 4:00 pm Tallahassee Courthouse
Join Bound4Life, Tony Perkins of Family Research Council and James Dobson of Focus on the Family. As part of this event 10,000 red roses will be presented to legislators, governmental leaders and others. Each rose will bear a tag that states, “NO FOOD/NO WATER.” It is our prayer that in watching the withering death of these roses, the state leaders will understand the gravity of what they are decreeing for Terri Schiavo.
Sunday March 13 5 pm – Tuesday March 15 5pm Tallahassee Courthouse
48 Hour public prayer and fast on the Courthouse steps.
Thousands will lay round-the-clock siege to the courthouse as we appeal for the life of Terri Schiavo. 10,000 roses will lay out in the Florida sun as a graphic illustration of what this case is about – life and death.
Tuesday, March 15, 7:30 PM
Prayer vigil and Siege at Governor Jeb Bush's mansion in Tallahassee.
Wednesday, March 16th -- Friday, March 18th, Woodside Hospice 6774 102nd Avenue N. Florida.
We will pray silently in front of the hospice in Petersburg. No matter how this case is decided, Terri's family and the nation must know that we emphatically stand for life in all cases.
Please see the following websites for more information on Bound4Life and the Terri Shiavo case. and
The Bound4Life Riders are based out of the Justice House of Prayer in Washington, DC, where a community of believers cries out day and night for justice to break forth in our nation and around the world
Ski News!
Miller First U.S. Cup Winner in 22 Years
LENZERHEIDE, Switzerland (AP) - Bode Miller became the first American in 22 years to win skiing's overall World Cup title.
He finished ahead of his only remaining challenger, Benjamin Raich of Austria, in the season's final giant slalom Saturday to capture the crown. The last non-Europeans to win the overall championship were Americans Phil Mahre and Tamara McKinney in 1983.
"It's been a bit embarrassing it's taken so long. It was getting a bit like the Red Sox," said Miller, a New Englander. "It was a bit embarrassing because it was like a curse."
"The last four years I've had a chance to win an overall," added Miller, who was fourth twice and second in 2003.
Miller finished second in the giant slalom, 0.68 seconds behind Stephan Goergl of Austria, who won with a two-run time of 2 minutes, 10.51 seconds. Raich came in third, 0.80 behind.
Raich's only chance to stay alive for the overall was to win and hope Miller finished outside the top 15. Raich skied before Miller and posted the best time to that point. The Austrian's lead held for four more skiers until Miller ended the suspense by beating Raich.
With only Sunday's slalom left, Miller holds an insurmountable 204-point lead. He has 1,608 points to Raich's 1,404, with wins worth 100 points.
"It's done, it's over," Miller said.
Raich was left with the consolation prize of taking the World Cup giant slalom title, finishing with a three-point edge over Miller, the defending champion in that category.
"I was trying to win the GS title today, but Benni had an amazing second run and that's what made the separation," Miller said. "I wanted to win the GS obviously, but I won that one last year."
As overall champion, Miller joins such greats as Jean-Claude Killy, Ingemar Stenmark, Marc Girardelli, Pirmin Zurbriggen, Alberto Tomba and Hermann Maier, the Austrian who won his fourth title last season.
Mahre won three times from 1981-83, and McKinney is the only American woman to win. But Miller is nothing like his predecessors.
His rebellious attitude - he is threatening to start his own ski tour next season - and make-or-break style - he finished only one of eight slaloms this season, winning in Sestriere, Italy - set him apart.
Raised in a New Hampshire home with no running water or electricity, Miller travels the World Cup circuit in a mobile home.
The overall was Miller's main goal all season. Skiers put much greater stake in the overall title than Olympic and world championship gold medals because the standings are determined over the course of an entire season rather than a single race.
Miller set up his victory with an extraordinary start to the season, winning six of the first 10 races. On Dec. 13 he captured his only slalom victory of the season and joined Girardelli as the only male skiers to win races in all four Alpine disciplines in one winter.
Miller then hit a three-month winless streak in the World Cup, excluding his two gold medals at last month's world championships, which do not count in the World Cup standings.
The American's 400-point lead over Raich in December shrank to 52 points entering this week's World Cup finals.
With the pressure on, however, and the season growing shorter, Miller responded with three top performances. He finished second in Thursday's downhill, snapped his winless streak Friday by sharing a super giant slalom victory with teammate Daron Rahlves - taking the World Cup super-G title in the process - and then clinched the overall with another podium performance Saturday.
"I felt like I was geared to race," Miller said. "I did what I came to do."
Miller began his career as a technical specialist excelling in slalom and giant slalom. This season he also became one of the top speed skiers, winning for the first time in super-G and downhill. Miller's two golds at the worlds came in the super-G and downhill.
"I was consistently top five all season except for the slalom," Miller said. "It's never been a technical problem. It's a matter of execution."
Thursday, March 10, 2005
New Worship Page!
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Alberto and Kimberly Rivera
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Kim Clement
Friday, March 04, 2005
Prayer requests now at PrayStation
If you haven't been back here in a while, you might be surprised at the number of changes and new expansions of this website. I've streamlined it and shifted many of my resources and links to new "satellite" pages to make it more user-friendly and easier to navigate around andto access the materials. I hope you find all these efforts helpful. Enjoy your stay!
Passage of the day: Isaiah 1:18-19
Come now, and let us reason together," says the LORD, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land."
Lord, make us willing and obedient to you. I want to do your will all the days of my life, and I do want to be established and prosper in the land that you have given me. I praise You and bless You. In the Name of Jesus. Amen!
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Check out this HUGE lobster!
Car mirror fixed!
The mirror was shattered.
I was in the car listening to Misty Edwards' worship cd when it happened, and if the atmosphere of heaven wasn't so dense in the car, I would have gotten quite upset. The guy who threw the snowball (I won't mention his name to the whole world to embarrass him) was very apologetic and asked for my forgiveness, and offered to pay for the damage done. Thank God it was the right rearview mirror and not the left one, or else I would have more trouble seeing and changing lanes. Praise the Lord we were able to get to the ski area (ski Beech) safely and have a good time there and drive back safely too.
This morning I went to look for an auto place to get my mirror fixed. I had spotted a place and pulled into the parking lot, only to find it closed and opening at 11 am. Disappointed, I turn around and suddenly my eyes spot another auto shop right across the street geared especially to fix car glasses. Incredible!
I have never seen that place (called Harmon Glass Doctor) before even though I've driven down that major street tons of time. Immediately I was there and they ordered the glass for my car on the spot, and told me to come back a hour later, and fixed it within 10 minutes. The charge was $28 total, which I didn't know was expensive or not, but I didn't care because I wasn't really paying for it anyways. I was just extremely glad to get the mirror fixed in such a short amount of time. Glory to God!
Roommate search update: my housemate Ron has found a person named Mike who is a candidate to move in very soon. We are hoping to meet him at our house this evening for him to see the place and chat a bit. I am hoping that this is the right person to move in. Let the will of God be done. We are cleaning up the house a bit to make the house look nice and warm and clean. I'll be doing a bit more tidying up this afternoon.
Verse of the Day: 2 Chronicles 29:11
My sons, do not now be negligent, for the LORD has chosen you to stand in His presence, to minister to him and to be his ministers and make offerings to him.
This is our job description as sons and daughters of God. In the NKJV translation it says to offer incense to Him at the last part of the verse. If you recall in Revelation incense are the prayers of the saints (Rev 8:3-4):
And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer, and he was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne, [4] and the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel.
We are all called to pray and to be intercessors! We are all saints of God and we have to see ourselves that way. One of our identity in Christ is saint. Once we see and call ourselves as saints we will begin to live more holy lives. Who we are determines what we do, and how we think, talk, act and behave.
Prayer: Lord, help us to stand before your presence and minister to you all the days of our lives. You have chosen us, yes, even us, to be the privileged ones. It is such an honor to attend to your service, O majestic one! Teach us to behold you and to pray to you at all times. I pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen.
tonight I will be having my first intercession class with resurrection youth. It was suppose to
happen last week but was postponed. I am praying that God would stir the hearts of people and get them to come out to seek Him and learn about prayer. You can also pray for me for God to anoint me to teach and pray. Thanks for all your prayer support!
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
now anyone can comment!
On another note: I've put all my Light Amp resources on a special new webpage that I just finished building. It's called Light Amp Resource Central. Be sure to check it out! I've shifted most of my friends' blogs links there too.