Friday, March 25, 2005

Dutch Sheets Prayer Alert!

This is from Dutch Sheets, a prayer leader of America.

As I am sure is the case with many of you, I have been following the Terri Schiavo situation in Florida very closely. Though I was already concerned and praying, an incredibly strong burden began to overwhelm me yesterday (Wednesday, March 23). As I prayed and processed, I became convinced that this situation is not just about Mrs. Schiavo. As precious as even one soul is to God, I believe this situation is all about our nation.

I feel that God is allowing it to epitomize where we are as a nation, picturing for us the death culture that has overtaken us in America. I do want to be careful at this point not to cast any dispersion on those who have had to make the excruciating decision to disconnect loved ones from life support. I have had to stand with individuals, giving them comfort and support as they made this decision for brain-dead loved ones. However, I have a very deep conviction that is not what is taking place in this case.

Death Will Try to Reign

As this burden began to intensify yesterday, I called Chuck Pierce and Ken Malone (the Strategic Prayer Network state coordinator for Florida). He reminded me of a word Chuck gave about Florida a few months ago. Chuck prophesied, "A strategy will be uncovered out of Florida that will be very detrimental to our land . . . a strategy that will try to mature to stop the plan for this nation out of Florida, to bring confusion in this land." Chuck also told me yesterday that when he gave this word, he saw a death structure in Florida that would become an issue before the nation – that death would try to reign from there.

I feel very strongly that if we don't overcome this spirit of death, a new wave of violence and death will be released across our nation. It could manifest through suicides, terrorism, disease, euthanasia, increased abortions, murder, etc. How it manifests may vary, but I am issuing the warning:

If this is allowed to continue in Florida, this spirit of death will be unleashed with a vengeance. But it is not too late to try to stop it! Begin immediately and with great diligence to do the following:

1) Ask God for more time. Pray that Terri not die, even if God has to keep her alive supernaturally for awhile.

2) Repent on behalf of our nation for allowing death to rule through greed and selfishness. Repent for our complacency and dullness to the horrible genocide in America through abortion and other means.

3) Ask God for mercy on us.

4) Stand against this spirit of death. Make biblical decrees against it. Decree that America's covenant with death will be broken (Isaiah 28:15,18), as well as anything else He gives you to pray and decree.

5) Do not turn this over to the courts. It may appear that they have the final say but they don't. For too long, the church has failed to realize that we have more authority on earth than any human institution. We lose by default. Take this situation out of their hands and rule through spiritual authority and weapons. (This is also all about the spiritual battle that is taking place over the ungodly element in our courts. This stronghold must and will come down, but the war must be won in the spiritual realm before we see complete breakthrough naturally.)

6) Pray for Governor Jeb Bush. Pray that, like the midwives in Egypt, he refuses to honor this decree of death. Pray that he realizes he is an Esther, placed where he is for such a time as this. Pray that he makes the same stand she did – "If I perish, I perish, but I will do what is right in the sight of God" (see Esther 4:16). Pray against fear, compromise and political spirits. Pray for wisdom, strength and boldness. He is a good man and fighting hard. Undergird him.

Let's together break this assault. Let's say "Enough!" I am on my way to Florida as I write this. I will war from there – you war from wherever you are. Help us save Terri's life and many other lives, and keep this spirit of death from going to a new level in America. We can do it!

For life,

by Dutch Sheets


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Hi Blogger I’ve been looking for Faith related blogs and I came across yours on Dutch Sheets Prayer Alert! during my trawl, so I thought it would be polite to let you know about my visit. You are most welcome to come and visit me at Faith. I would also be happy to trade links with you if you are interested. Bye for now and have a nice day! Brother Roy.
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