Saturday, March 12, 2005

Prayer/action alert from the Cause

The people from the Cause in DC are friends of mine who have a heart for justice and revival in America. They are headed by Lou Engle and have established the Justice House of Prayer 2 blocks away from the Supreme Court in DC. Read below and pray!

Urgent Call to Action -- Court orders termination of food and water for Terri Schiavo on March 18, 2005.

In 1973, a Haman-type decree, Roe v. Wade, was written that has wiped out over a third of our generation. Right now, we are again in a moment in history where Life hangs in the balance of the courts. Today, in Tallahassee, FL, there is a death decree written for Terri Schiavo that will not only destroy her life, but will set a judicial precedent that will open wide the gates for a new wave of death to destroy the lives of many physically and mentally impaired people in our nation.

One seven year old boy, after hearing about the situation of Terri Schiavo said, “This is just like abortion on adults…” Truer words were never spoken – the courts are at another Roe v. Wade moment. As we fight for Terri’s life, we literally fight for the lives of all those who our society might consider ‘unworthy’ of life.

40 years ago, thousands answered the call to stand in the gap and fight against the injustice suffered by African Americans in America. These heroic men and women braved persecution, beatings and imprisonment, but this movement born out of prayer, fasting, and a willingness to suffer for righteousness’ sake turned the course of a nation.

Rights are won, not given. We must arise -- the life issue is at the forefront of God’s heart and the antichrist spirit has not ceased to make war on the seed of the woman. This is your clarion call to stand for life -- We are commissioning a militia of red warriors from across America to come stand with us! Will you sacrifice a week to hold back this scourge of death?

We will be laying Silent Sieges at a number of Florida locations over the coming week: with red tape over our mouth to identify with the silent cry of those like Terri who cannot cry out on their own behalf, we will pray silently before courthouses, the governor’s mansion and the hospice where Terri lies awaiting the court’s decision of life or death.

Make plans immediatelyto join the Life Riders – stand for LIFE in Florida!

Sunday, March 13 3:00 – 4:00 pm Tallahassee Courthouse

Join Bound4Life, Tony Perkins of Family Research Council and James Dobson of Focus on the Family. As part of this event 10,000 red roses will be presented to legislators, governmental leaders and others. Each rose will bear a tag that states, “NO FOOD/NO WATER.” It is our prayer that in watching the withering death of these roses, the state leaders will understand the gravity of what they are decreeing for Terri Schiavo.

Sunday March 13 5 pm – Tuesday March 15 5pm Tallahassee Courthouse

48 Hour public prayer and fast on the Courthouse steps.

Thousands will lay round-the-clock siege to the courthouse as we appeal for the life of Terri Schiavo. 10,000 roses will lay out in the Florida sun as a graphic illustration of what this case is about – life and death.

Tuesday, March 15, 7:30 PM

Prayer vigil and Siege at Governor Jeb Bush's mansion in Tallahassee.

Wednesday, March 16th -- Friday, March 18th, Woodside Hospice 6774 102nd Avenue N. Florida.

We will pray silently in front of the hospice in Petersburg. No matter how this case is decided, Terri's family and the nation must know that we emphatically stand for life in all cases.

Please see the following websites for more information on Bound4Life and the Terri Shiavo case. and

The Bound4Life Riders are based out of the Justice House of Prayer in Washington, DC, where a community of believers cries out day and night for justice to break forth in our nation and around the world

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