Saturday, October 28, 2006
Great WWG meeting, Japan coming up
Last night we had a wonderful Well-Watered Garden prayer meeting at brother Yensheng and sisiter Shujen's home. It was a smaller-size meeting than usual, but the atmosphere was more intimate. We spent some quality time in intercession and conversation with each other.
Today I'm going to an "Enter the Worship Circle" concert at the Seattle Vineyard. I think it will be an enjoyable time listening to professional musicians. Tomorrow is the 100-year anniversary celebration of the Seattle Vineyard. I hope there is free food!
My cousin Florence and her husband Henry are in Vancouver, Washington, attending Graham Cooke's prophetic school down there for the weekend, so I pretty much have the entire house to myself. You can pray that they will have a tremendous spiritual breakthrough and be equipped in prophetic ministry. I am looking forward to hearing a good report from them after they return.
Next Tuesday morning I will be flying off to Japan for my 10-day trip. Please pray for me for safe and smooth travels. Thanks!
Today I'm going to an "Enter the Worship Circle" concert at the Seattle Vineyard. I think it will be an enjoyable time listening to professional musicians. Tomorrow is the 100-year anniversary celebration of the Seattle Vineyard. I hope there is free food!
My cousin Florence and her husband Henry are in Vancouver, Washington, attending Graham Cooke's prophetic school down there for the weekend, so I pretty much have the entire house to myself. You can pray that they will have a tremendous spiritual breakthrough and be equipped in prophetic ministry. I am looking forward to hearing a good report from them after they return.
Next Tuesday morning I will be flying off to Japan for my 10-day trip. Please pray for me for safe and smooth travels. Thanks!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Revival Town meeting and Applebee's!
Last night I attended the weekly Tuesday night meetings hosted by Revival Town Ministries in Olympia, WA. The worship and the message were excellent, and there was a strong presence of the Lord in the room. Afterwards I got to chat with several local saints, and I was invited to join some of them for fellowship at the Applebee's restaurant afterwards.
Since I didn't know where the local Applebee's was at, a new friend Greg had offer to let me follow his car to the place. However, we had a bit of miscommunication and his car left for the restaurant ahead of me, and I ended up on the road not knowing which way to go to get there. I thought maybe it was the Lord's will for me not to go and eat with them. Suddenly, I sensed the Holy Spirit leading me to turn left at a particular street and head down that road, and within a minute I saw the Applebee's restaurant in a shopping center on the side. Praise the Lord! I was able to meet up with Greg and his friends in the restaurant, and they were all surprised that God led me here without any human direction. It was good to be with them and bond together as friends in the Lord.
Since I didn't know where the local Applebee's was at, a new friend Greg had offer to let me follow his car to the place. However, we had a bit of miscommunication and his car left for the restaurant ahead of me, and I ended up on the road not knowing which way to go to get there. I thought maybe it was the Lord's will for me not to go and eat with them. Suddenly, I sensed the Holy Spirit leading me to turn left at a particular street and head down that road, and within a minute I saw the Applebee's restaurant in a shopping center on the side. Praise the Lord! I was able to meet up with Greg and his friends in the restaurant, and they were all surprised that God led me here without any human direction. It was good to be with them and bond together as friends in the Lord.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Back from Vancouver, smooth trip
I got back to Bellevue, WA, late last night. It was a pretty fruitful trip for me. Praise the Lord! Yesterday afternoon I taught on the 9 spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12) and the 9 components of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5), what they are and how they are related and different from each other. Afterwards, Pastor Qian and a few other church members took me out to eat some good chinese food, and we had a wonderful time in the Lord in the restaurant. God is good, always!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Youth meetings in Vancouver
I am in the middle of a 3-day youth ministry trip up here in Vancouver, BC, Canada. It's pretty good so far. Today we had a beautiful, sunny afternoon, which was perfect for street ministry. We got to witness to people on the streets and worshipped outside in a shopping center. Praise the Lord! I have one more meeting to lead tomorrow afternoon, so please keep me in your prayers. Thanks!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Joel Osteen coming to Seattle
Joel Osteen, the pastor of the largest church in America (Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas), is coming to speak at the Key Arena in Seattle on Friday, 10/27. Joel has a tremendous gift of encouragement and is great at helping people focus on God in the midst of trials and difficulties. Just click on the title link to access his website.
On another note, both of my parents are ministering in Rome right now. You can keep them in your prayers. Thanks!
On another note, both of my parents are ministering in Rome right now. You can keep them in your prayers. Thanks!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Good weekend, Vancouver trip coming up
This past weekend was a good one for me. On Friday, I drove down to Olympia to check out a meeting called "Share - Care - Prayer." I've heard about this gathering from Ken, a friend I met at the "Under the Apple Tree" conference two weeks ago. It was worth the trip. The people there were genuinely seeking the face of God, and I received some much needed prayer ministry from them.
Saturday night, I went up to the Revelation Church meeting in Everett. I've heard some good things about them, and God did not disappoint. The worship leader that night was a young man who had just came on staff with Revelation Church from IHOP (International House of Prayer) in Kansas City, MO, and you could feel the presence of the Lord in the house, from the front to the back row. Great worship, teaching, and ministry. The air was thick with the "dew" of the Holy Spirit. I would not be surprised if revival breaks out there.
This upcoming weekend, I'll be heading up to Vancouver to lead some youth meetings (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). Please keep me in your prayers, for the Lord to move and minister to the youth. Thanks!
Saturday night, I went up to the Revelation Church meeting in Everett. I've heard some good things about them, and God did not disappoint. The worship leader that night was a young man who had just came on staff with Revelation Church from IHOP (International House of Prayer) in Kansas City, MO, and you could feel the presence of the Lord in the house, from the front to the back row. Great worship, teaching, and ministry. The air was thick with the "dew" of the Holy Spirit. I would not be surprised if revival breaks out there.
This upcoming weekend, I'll be heading up to Vancouver to lead some youth meetings (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). Please keep me in your prayers, for the Lord to move and minister to the youth. Thanks!
Friday, October 13, 2006
"One Night with the King" out today!
This long-awaited movie about the story of Esther in the Bible opens in theater nationwide today! Click on the title link to find the theater that's playing it in your neighborhood. Go see it!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Japan dates set, won't be going to Korea
Yesterday I bought the plane tickets for my trip to Japan. I will be there from 11/1-11/10. I had planned on going to Korea as well, but logistically it just didn't work out, but I have peace in the Lord.
Also, I have updated my online calendar. Just click on the calendar link above to access it.
Also, I have updated my online calendar. Just click on the calendar link above to access it.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Worship at the Seattle Vineyard
Yesterday morning I had the opportunity to participate on the worship team at the Seattle Vineyard church. It was my first time playing the violin publicly in the Seattle area. We had a good flow and the Lord showed up and ministered to the people in a powerful way. Praise the Lord!
Friday, October 06, 2006
"Under the Apple Tree" conference
I've been attending this wonderful conference this weekend. The emphasis is about cultivating a deeper personal relationship with the Lord, and the intimacy of Song of Solomon. It has been better than I expected. Praise the Lord. This conference is hosted by Revival Town ministries of Olympia, WA. Just click on the title link to access their website.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Beautiful flowers

In case you haven't seen these pictures at my "Photo Gallery," here are some of the best ones. I took these pictures at Butchart Garden on Vancouver Island in Canada.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Seattle Vineyard
I got a chance to check out the Seattle Vineyard Church this morning. It was a good experience. I got prayer for healing for my back, and I met some cool people. I may go back there again next week. Just click on the title link to visit their website.