Sunday, October 30, 2005
Weep for the Netherlands
I just read a news article that witches in the Netherlands got approved by the courts for tax write-offs for their witchcraft classes. This is a public flaunt of the kingdom of darkness, and where are the saints? Who will be the Elijahs to confront these priests of evil? It is hard to believe that the courts and the government are helping to advance witchcraft in their nation. This is the type of serious iniquity that will bring relentless judgment.
Let's pray for a major turning of the tide. Let's pray for the spirit of repentance to fall on the Netherlands. Let's pray for holy fear of the Lord to fall on the government officials and the witches, and that they would cry out in conviction of sin and receive salvation in Jesus Christ. Let's pray for the churches in the Netherlands to rise up and stand against this.
You can read this article by clicking on the title link.
On another note, I've added a new post at Worship Page, go there and read it!
Let's pray for a major turning of the tide. Let's pray for the spirit of repentance to fall on the Netherlands. Let's pray for holy fear of the Lord to fall on the government officials and the witches, and that they would cry out in conviction of sin and receive salvation in Jesus Christ. Let's pray for the churches in the Netherlands to rise up and stand against this.
You can read this article by clicking on the title link.
On another note, I've added a new post at Worship Page, go there and read it!
Friday, October 28, 2005
East Asia Report Part 1
I've just finished writing part 1 of my East Asia Mission Trip Report earlier this week. You can read all about it by clicking on the link to your right. I'll be coming out with Part 2 soon.
Car update: I got my car yesterday and drove it back to Charlotte from Chapel Hill. Praise the Lord! The car runs like a dream come true. It is definitely a luxurious update compared to the Ford Taurus with the shaky transmission. Now I just have to pay my parents back some of the money.
Right now I'm sitting at The Cause base here in Fort Mill, South Carolina, right next to MorningStar's Heritage International headquarters. This is the place where we do Tuesday night Harp & Bowls. I just found out that they got wireless internet connections. This is cool!
I just came from a session of the Children's Equipping Conference. It was a powerful time in the Lord. Lenny from the KC-IHOP Children's Equipping Center spoke, along with Truman, a young boy from Kansas City. Truman is an example of the type of youth God is raising up in this generation. He showed a depth and passion for the Lord seldom seen in believers twice his age. Praise the Lord!
Tonight, as the conference continues, Heather Clark will be leading worship, and Lou Engle will speak. It will be my first time hearing Heather Clark live. If you haven't heard of Heather before, go to the Worship Page and click on the link to Heather Clark's website. She's good.
Car update: I got my car yesterday and drove it back to Charlotte from Chapel Hill. Praise the Lord! The car runs like a dream come true. It is definitely a luxurious update compared to the Ford Taurus with the shaky transmission. Now I just have to pay my parents back some of the money.
Right now I'm sitting at The Cause base here in Fort Mill, South Carolina, right next to MorningStar's Heritage International headquarters. This is the place where we do Tuesday night Harp & Bowls. I just found out that they got wireless internet connections. This is cool!
I just came from a session of the Children's Equipping Conference. It was a powerful time in the Lord. Lenny from the KC-IHOP Children's Equipping Center spoke, along with Truman, a young boy from Kansas City. Truman is an example of the type of youth God is raising up in this generation. He showed a depth and passion for the Lord seldom seen in believers twice his age. Praise the Lord!
Tonight, as the conference continues, Heather Clark will be leading worship, and Lou Engle will speak. It will be my first time hearing Heather Clark live. If you haven't heard of Heather before, go to the Worship Page and click on the link to Heather Clark's website. She's good.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Weather getting colder
The weather here in Charlotte is getting colder and colder. We had to turn the heat on in our house last night for the first time this season. Other news, my uncle made the down payment for the Camry for me, so I am going up there to Chapel Hill tomorrow to pick up the car. Praise the Lord!
Last night we went to check out a meeting at this church called the World Worship Center, just 15 minutes from our house. It was that church's 4th anniversary, and everyone there was in a celebratory mood. It is an multi-ethnic church, with great worship and a dedicated leadership team. To learn more about this church, just go to
Last night we went to check out a meeting at this church called the World Worship Center, just 15 minutes from our house. It was that church's 4th anniversary, and everyone there was in a celebratory mood. It is an multi-ethnic church, with great worship and a dedicated leadership team. To learn more about this church, just go to
Friday, October 21, 2005
Yesterday and today
Yesterday I wandered over to the Guitar Center to check out the MBOX, the digital recording software system that I am thinking about getting. It turns out that the price for the Mbox has dropped from $500 to $300, because Mbox 2 came out this month, and they are trying to get rid of the first generation Mbox and get people to buy the new one. Praise the Lord for this price drop! I got it put on layaway and hopefully I'll come back and purchase it later.
I also had the opportunity to test-play the new Taylor T5. It is the best electric guitar I've ever played (price tag, $2,300). I definitely felt an anointing while playing some worship songs on it.
Today I got an update about my car search. My uncle is going to look at a '97 Camry for me. Let's pray for God's perfect will to be done, that it would be the right car at the right price.
Finally, I've posted an awesome teaching on life in the spirit by Graham Cooke at ResourCentral (my Resource page). Go there and check it out!
I also had the opportunity to test-play the new Taylor T5. It is the best electric guitar I've ever played (price tag, $2,300). I definitely felt an anointing while playing some worship songs on it.
Today I got an update about my car search. My uncle is going to look at a '97 Camry for me. Let's pray for God's perfect will to be done, that it would be the right car at the right price.
Finally, I've posted an awesome teaching on life in the spirit by Graham Cooke at ResourCentral (my Resource page). Go there and check it out!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Conference season
Now that I'm back in Charlotte, NC, one of the Christian meccas of the world. I am a bit overwhelmed by the number of Christian events going on this month and the next. Right now MorningStar's "Feast of Tabernacles" conference has begun and will last until next Monday. Next weekend is The Cause's "Children Equipping Conference" at Fort Mills, SC with Lou Engle, Heather Clark, etc. I am planning to go to that one because it is free, and it is related to my ministry in teaching on how to equip the upcoming generation. You can check out info for this conference at
On the same weekend is a Morris Cerullo "Mission to Charlotte" crusade at Uptown (also free to the public). Alice Smith, a major prayer leader of America, is going to be speaking there Friday Afternoon. I've read one of her book before and it was really good, so I would like to go hear her speak.
On another note, I have an important prayer request posted at PrayStation. Go there and read about it.
On the same weekend is a Morris Cerullo "Mission to Charlotte" crusade at Uptown (also free to the public). Alice Smith, a major prayer leader of America, is going to be speaking there Friday Afternoon. I've read one of her book before and it was really good, so I would like to go hear her speak.
On another note, I have an important prayer request posted at PrayStation. Go there and read about it.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
New Nokia Phone

Today I finally got a phone to replace my lost one. It's the Nokia 3220 with a digital camera. It was the last one on display at Best Buy so I got it with a free car charger ($20 value). Praise the Lord. My cell phone number remains the same.
You can check out cool Nokia phones at
I've only used Nokia phones ever since I started owning cell phones. Guess it was hard for me to switch to other brands. Now all I need is to get a compatible USB cord to transfer photos to my laptop.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Need help buying a car
My parents are willing to help me buy a new used-car. We found a 2001 Nissan Altima at Carmax on the web. The car is in Raleigh, and they can transport it to Charlotte for me for free if I buy it. The car is about $9,000 and my parents are willing to chip in half of the cost. As for me, I would need to raise some funds to cover the other half. Please pray for me that God would provide the money. If you can help me financially with some of the cost, I would really appreciate it!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Worship and Apostolic Preaching at UCLA
Click on the title link to read this amazing testimony of what God is doing at UCLA.
On another note, I finally got back to Charlotte late last night. My luggage didn't arrive but thank God that it will be delivered to my house today!
I haven't gotten my car back from my friend (I loaned it to him while I was gone) so I probably need a ride to MorningStar church tomorrow. If you are around and can give me a ride, just contact me.
I slept for 10 hours straight after I got back. I'll probably sleep a lot more in the next couple days. Rest is wonderful.
On another note, I finally got back to Charlotte late last night. My luggage didn't arrive but thank God that it will be delivered to my house today!
I haven't gotten my car back from my friend (I loaned it to him while I was gone) so I probably need a ride to MorningStar church tomorrow. If you are around and can give me a ride, just contact me.
I slept for 10 hours straight after I got back. I'll probably sleep a lot more in the next couple days. Rest is wonderful.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
back safely in LA
After a 12-hour flight from Manila (with transfer stop in Taipei), I am finally back in the United States after being away for over a month. Praise the Lord! My health is feeling much better now after being sick during the latter part of the trip in the Philippines. Thanks to all who prayed for me on this trip (it's not over yet). I am putting up some new pictures from the trip at the "Photo Gallery," pictures from Xi'an, China, Taiwan and the Philippines, so be sure to go there and check them out.
On another note, I have a specific prayer request which I posted at PrayStation, go there and read about it. Thanks!
On another note, I have a specific prayer request which I posted at PrayStation, go there and read about it. Thanks!
Monday, October 10, 2005
last full day in the Philippines
Today is my last full day here. I am in Manila with Rod. I had an amazing time here in the Philippines (mostly in Tabuk). We did a lot of ministry (worship, youth, and crusades) at different churches, and God is good. All of us were blessed. I will write more when I get back in the States later this week. You can pray for me for safe, smooth travel (no plane delays) and for the full recovery of my health (I was sick last week). Praise the Lord for this wonderful trip, and hopefully I might come back in the near future.