Monday, February 05, 2007

Wonderful fellowship and ministry with relatives

The past couple days the Lord has been moving in the area of ministry and fellowship with my family here in Taiwan. This past Sunday afternoon, I had a missions presentation at my cousin Louisa's family's house (which is really close to cousin Mandy's family's house), and we had 3 families of cousins gathered there. I did a slideshow of my photos from the Philippines, and shared about my experiences there. We had pizza for dinner, then after the meal, we entered into a time of worship, with me leading on guitar. The presence of the Lord was evident, and we really had a good time! After worship, we had a discussion about discerning the things of the spirit, and I was able to answering some key questions about how to pray and removing the demonic strongholds according to the principles found in Scripture (staying within your spiritual authority, identification repentance, etc.). It was a very fruitful session!

Later today I'll be taking a train to Taipei, to have dinner with friends. I will also see what the Lord would have me pray while I'm there, for the city of Taipei. Keep me in your prayers for this overnight trip, as there are some strongholds of darkness there. Thanks!

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