Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Impartation of God's love in Japan

At the morning meeting yesterday, in Tokyo, we had a deep time of worship. I started off playing the violin with Joy on the keyboard for a period of soaking worship, then I switched over to acoustic guitar and we entered into a flow of high praise, warfare, and intimacy. After that came to a close, I shared about hungering after God, the love of God, and more about my personal walk with the Lord. At the end, I led another song and we moved into prayer ministry, praying for each person to receive more of God's love, to develop a deeper love relationship with Him, and to receive His blessings. We also blessed the children as well. It was a powerful time in the Lord.

Later that night, my host family took me out to eat some really good sushi. These kind of restaurants are unique, as you don't see them outside of Japan. The food is primarily served by automatic moving "belts" that "floats" by your table. You can just grab whatever you want to eat from the belt. We ate to our hearts content. God is good.

Tomorrow will be my last full day in Japan. Though I probably won't do any more "formal" ministry, I know God isn't finished yet, and so I am not going to switch to "auto-pilot" mode in any sense. I still want to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and keep the shield up. I have had a wonderful time here, and I am praying to finish strong as I conclude my time here in this nation. Glory to God!

Alright, Sam! Keep going!
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