Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Great weekend at Battle Cry conference
This past weekend we went up to DC on a super-short trip to attend the Battle Cry youth leadership conference headed by Ron Luce (founder and director of Teen Mania, It was an urgent call to all the youth pastors/leaders/volunteers in the region to pray and seek the Lord for a new strategy to and save the youth of America. You can click on the title link to access the Battle Cry website.
The upcoming generation in this nation is becoming more and more secular. There must be a wake-up call to the churches throughout the land, for them to set their youth ministry as the number one priority, because if we don't reach the youth now, our nation will steer away from God in the next decade.
We had several powerful speakers at the conference, including Ted Haggard and Tim Johnson, a former professional football player for the Washington Redskins. Michael Gungor led worship. Each one brought a different focus and perspective to the table, and we received good teaching and equipping. Ted even gave away free books! It was a powerful time for all of us.
The upcoming generation in this nation is becoming more and more secular. There must be a wake-up call to the churches throughout the land, for them to set their youth ministry as the number one priority, because if we don't reach the youth now, our nation will steer away from God in the next decade.
We had several powerful speakers at the conference, including Ted Haggard and Tim Johnson, a former professional football player for the Washington Redskins. Michael Gungor led worship. Each one brought a different focus and perspective to the table, and we received good teaching and equipping. Ted even gave away free books! It was a powerful time for all of us.