Sunday, July 31, 2005
Google Earth
Earlier this evening I downloaded Google Earth and tried it out here at my uncle's house in Chapel Hill. They have high-speed internet connection which allows the program to function (it won't work on my dial-up back home). It is really an amazing application! I was able to locate my house, my uncle's house, and my parents' house in California and zoom in for a nice birdeye's view. If you want to try this out, just click on the title link to go to the download webpage.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Going to the Onething Conference
My friend Gabe and I are planning to go to the One Thing Conference, sponsored by the International House of Prayer, in Atlanta, GA, in a little more than a week. I've never been to the main House of Prayer in Kansas City, so this would be a good opportunity for me to see what they are doing there, as they share with us what God has shown them. Click on the title link to learn more about "One Thing."
Friday, July 29, 2005
"Go God" picture

Here is a picture from our "Go God" worship sessions at Resurrection church.
On another note, it seems like I'll be here in Chapel Hill for a while, as it will take the auto shop until next week to get the parts in for the transmission. Please pray for me, for God to lift my spirit, for peace and joy, and for the car to be fixed asap, and that He will provide me with a new car in the near future. And pray that I would be able to use my time wisely while I'm away from home.
Finally, I posted a new entry at the Worship Page, check it out!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Car trouble again
This morning my car's transmission started going awry again...however, this time I was able, by the grace of God, to drive the vehicle all the way up to the Chapel Hill/Raleigh area to get it fixed. Thank God that I have an one-year warranty at this place (where I got it fixed last time) so I could have it done for free. Right now I am at the auto shop waiting room, which is pretty luxurious due to the fact they got comfy chairs, air condition, satellite TV, and even wireless internet! (which is why I'm able to type up this blog right now) I am hoping to spend overnight at my uncle's house nearby, and my cousin Alan can pick me up. Right now he is at work and not answering his cell phone, pray that he would be able answer the phone soon enough, and be able to come pick me up asap. God is good, all the time!
Please pray my car to be fixed as soon as possible...hopefully I don't have to stay up here in Chapel Hill too long. But it is good that I get to see my uncle and my cousins.
Please pray my car to be fixed as soon as possible...hopefully I don't have to stay up here in Chapel Hill too long. But it is good that I get to see my uncle and my cousins.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Back from BC

I got back from Vancouver early this morning around 2 am. It was a long, delayed flight back, but I had a wonderful trip. God is good! I had a lot of fun working with the youth. I'll write more about it later. Here is a picture of me at Smuggler's Cove, on British Columbia's Sunshine Coast. Note the cute little boats in the background.
You can see more Vancouver pics at my Photo Gallery. Just click on the link to your right.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Pray for Roberts
Below is a photo that I found at MyWay AP News of my friends at The Cause praying in front of the Supreme Court in Washington DC for the appointment of a righteous judge to the Supreme Court. Please pray for John Roberts for his appointment to go smoothly through the Senate with no opposition. Praise the Lord for this man! Click here to read an article on the background of Roberts.

A group of demonstrators pray outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday, July 19, 2005. The group is hoping that President Bush will pick a Supreme Court Justice to make abortion illegal. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

A group of demonstrators pray outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday, July 19, 2005. The group is hoping that President Bush will pick a Supreme Court Justice to make abortion illegal. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
News! Crime-fighting pig dies
Click on the title link to read this story on the life and death of Arnold the crime-fighting pig.
On another note, I found this very interesting website,, which promotes the pro-life movement. There is also a teens site called
We really need to pray for the overturn of Roe vs. Wade and destroy the powers of darkness and death in America. Get involved and let's fight the good fight!
On another note, I found this very interesting website,, which promotes the pro-life movement. There is also a teens site called
We really need to pray for the overturn of Roe vs. Wade and destroy the powers of darkness and death in America. Get involved and let's fight the good fight!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
East Asia Mission Trip Prayer Support Letter!
I've posted my prayer letter for my Fall trip to China-Taiwan-Philippines on your right-hand side. Click on it to read it!
On another note, I've added a new blog posting to the Worship Page, and new prayer requests at the PrayStation. Be sure to check those out while you're here at the Light Amp!
On another note, I've added a new blog posting to the Worship Page, and new prayer requests at the PrayStation. Be sure to check those out while you're here at the Light Amp!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Old Hippo!
Click on the title link to read an article about an hippopotamus celebrating her 54th birthday!
By the way, I'm back from my Virginia trip. We went to Forest, VA, by Lynchburg, and ministered at a small church called "The Kirk." It was a good ministry experience, and we sow seeds for kingdom worship and intercession. Praise the Lord!
I came across a news article on the Justice House of Prayer up in Washington DC. Click here to check it out.
By the way, I'm back from my Virginia trip. We went to Forest, VA, by Lynchburg, and ministered at a small church called "The Kirk." It was a good ministry experience, and we sow seeds for kingdom worship and intercession. Praise the Lord!
I came across a news article on the Justice House of Prayer up in Washington DC. Click here to check it out.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Ministry trip to Virginia
Tomorrow morning a part of the "Go God" worship team and I will be heading up to a church in Virginia to help with their worship ministry. We will spend the night up there, minister during the Sunday service the following morning, and come back later that day. Please keep us in prayer, for our safety in traveling and for God to move in power up there, for the people to be extremely hungry for more of God and for revival to break out.
On another note, I've added a new posting at the ResourCentral page. Check it out!
On another note, I've added a new posting at the ResourCentral page. Check it out!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Nice little church in Boone
Last Sunday I attended Living Waters Christian Fellowship church in Boone, NC with my friend Steve from MorningStar. It is a nice little church in the mountains. They have great worship and are focused on reaching their community for Jesus Christ. One guy on their worship team plays a variety of instruments, from percussion (triangle, hand drum, tambourine, etc.) to violin and harmonica. A lady was playing the oboe and the English horn. That was the first time I've seen oboe and English horn used in live worship. Praise the Lord! Click on the title link to access their website.
On another note, I was reading Time magazine today, and there was an article in there talking how some midwestern states are giving away free residential land to attract outside citizens to small towns to prevent them from dying out. You can check out this phenomonon in Kansas at
On a third note, there is an upcoming Onething Conference happening in Atlanta next month from 8/11-13. The registration fee is $35 per person, and less if there is a group of ten or more. Contact me if you are interested in going. You can find out more info at their website
Lastly, I've added a new prayer request at PrayStation, and a couple new links at the Worship Page. You can check them out by clicking on the corresponding links above.
On another note, I was reading Time magazine today, and there was an article in there talking how some midwestern states are giving away free residential land to attract outside citizens to small towns to prevent them from dying out. You can check out this phenomonon in Kansas at
On a third note, there is an upcoming Onething Conference happening in Atlanta next month from 8/11-13. The registration fee is $35 per person, and less if there is a group of ten or more. Contact me if you are interested in going. You can find out more info at their website
Lastly, I've added a new prayer request at PrayStation, and a couple new links at the Worship Page. You can check them out by clicking on the corresponding links above.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
17 year anniversary of coming to America
17 years ago, on July 12th, my family arrived safely in Los Angeles from Taiwan, and we have lived in the United States ever since. I thank God for how He had sovereignly directed the path of my family and my personal life in these 17 years. I could have never imagined how my life would have turned out 17 years later. It is way better than what I would have hoped for. Praise the Lord!
Friday, July 08, 2005
Righteous Supreme Court Justice needed!
As you have heard, Justice O'Connor stepped down and now there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court. Please pray for President Bush to choose the right person (godly and pro-life!) and for God to bind all demonic opposition to the appointment. Click here to read my friend Jaeson's blog posting on this issue.
On another note, I have been receiving postings from a blog of a person in the mission field with Iris Ministries in Mozambique, Africa. It contains very powerful testimonies of what God is doing over there. Click here to access this fascinating weblog.
On another note, I have been receiving postings from a blog of a person in the mission field with Iris Ministries in Mozambique, Africa. It contains very powerful testimonies of what God is doing over there. Click here to access this fascinating weblog.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Online donation page fixed!
The online donation button should be working now. Thanks for your patience.
On another note, I came across this news article about a man who set himself on fire to propose to his girlfriend. Click here to read it!
On another note, I came across this news article about a man who set himself on fire to propose to his girlfriend. Click here to read it!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Donate to Sam online
Click HERE to donate to Sam via Vision Team's Donation Page.
Vision Team is Sam's parent nonprofit organization.
Please indicate that the donation is "for Sam." Otherwise, the donation will enter into Vision Team's General Fund.
If you would rather write a check and send it by mail, click here.
Vision Team is Sam's parent nonprofit organization.
Please indicate that the donation is "for Sam." Otherwise, the donation will enter into Vision Team's General Fund.
If you would rather write a check and send it by mail, click here.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Fourth of July
It's America's independence day. Click on the title link to read a news article about it.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Meeting Arthur Burk
I had a chance to meet Arthur Burk ( last night, and talk with him a little bit. It was right after he preached one of the most "new wineskin" message I've ever heard. He ushered in new ideas and concepts that most of us don't even have a mental grid for. It was good to be challenged this way in our spiritual life. Praise the Lord.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Online donation page malfunction
There seems to be some technical difficulties with Paypal in loading my online donation page. I have contacted them and hope to get it fixed soon. In the meantime, if you wish to donate by mail, please click here for instructions.
Friend Raymond back in town
My friend Raymond just arrived back in Charlotte yesterday. He drove down from Minnesota. This is his second time residing here. He was living here last year for a few months before he returned north. He is planning to stay here long-term now, providing that the Lord gives him a good job. He is a prophetic intercessor and wants to engage in the house of prayer initiatives going on locally. Please pray for him that God would open a good job for him quickly. Thanks.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Spiderman 2
I just saw Spiderman 2 on DVD for the first time yesterday. It's a pretty good movie. On another note, there is an interesting article on how Michigan parents can sign up to keep their children from receiving spam and porn on their emails. Click here to read it.