Monday, December 27, 2004

Merry post-Christmas!

I had a pretty good Christmas, drove out to Tennessee to visit and stay with my aunt and uncle in Cookeville. My 2 cousins, Lilian and Daniel, arrived back home on Christmas eve, without knowing that I was going to be there, so it was a nice surprise for them. We had a nice potluck dinner with a Chinese Christian Fellowship in town, and went to a candle-light service at First Baptist Church in Cookeville. It was much colder in Cookeville than in Charlotte, they had some snow and ice there, so one has to be a bit cautious on the road. On Christmas morning, we opened some presents under the Christmas tree, and I was surprised to find that they had gifts for me as well. I got a couple classical music cds, a book by Wellington Boone, a large candle, 2005 inspirational calendar, plus a brand new wallet (with cash inside!) Praise God for his abundance!

Before I went to Tennessee, my friend and brother in Christ Luis Trujillo visited me here in Charlotte. Currently living in the Bay Area in California, he was out in Arkansas and had a chance to fly here before flying back. He stayed over at my place for a few days, and we had a good time catching up, talking about what the Lord is doing, and visiting Morningstar church. Luis, like most of my other friends who had visited, had never been to a church like Morningstar before. I believe that it is unique not just in the US, but in the world too. Robin McMillan preached a powerful, convicting message that Sunday morning, in which a woman interrupted in the middle of the meeting and confessed her sins in public. God was moving.

On the previous Saturday, I had the opportunity to introduce a couple of my worship songs at Go God!, a worship/prayer session led by Reggie and Debbie Hill, my good friends and spiritual "family" here. It was amazing to hear these songs, which I have been playing and singing primarily in my personal devotional times, to be played by a full band of good musicians and sung by good singers (male and female). I felt so blessed that God was making it happen and these songs were being sung back to Him in adoration.

This past Sunday (right after Christmas), I was able to help with worship at Resurrection Church on the violin. I missed the Thursday night rehearsal, since I was in Tennessee, but I was able to come early to the church in the morning to go over the songs with the rest of the worship team. We had some issue with the sound since the normal song guys weren't there, but the Lord pulled us through. Praise God! I'll be playing again this Tuesday night at Cornerstone, and I am seeking to meet the Lord there as well.

After the morning service, I attended an afternoon service at a Russian church on the outskirts of the city. Since my previous mission trips to Russia, I have always maintained a love for the Russian people. One of them told me that there are over 17,000 Russians here in the Charlotte area. Incredible! The church was full of families and children running around before the start of the service. Once it started, they had the children sing some Russian Christian/Christmas songs in the front, and a little girl performed a rap "blurb" in the middle of one of the songs, neat! Then they went into a segment of worship (with some songs translated from English into Russian). It was a powerful experience, even for me, who didn't understand Russian. The pastor then came up and preached, and afterwards we had a time of snacks, drinks, and fellowship. Everybody was very nice and cordial. And I had some good conversations with the people there (in English, of course).

Morningstar is having their new year conference later this week. As a member of the church, I only have to pay $25, (down from the regular $50), and because I had volunteered for the restoration of their new building, Heritage International Ministries, I received a $25 gift certificate to be used in the bookstore. I am thinking about getting a Heather Clark CD (the one about Song of Solomon) and perhaps a small book. God is so good! I am praying that God would move during the conference and give us all clear directions for the new year.

Currently, I am reading Rick Joyner's "The Prophetic Ministry." I was over at Mary Ann's house for dinner and she gave me a few books as gifts and others to lend. She has a nice collection of Christian meat, and I didn't hesitate to check them out. Before I end, I wish you, the reader, a very happy and joyous new year!

Praise the Lord!

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