Monday, July 31, 2006
Moving date: 8/10
Right now I am planning on departing Fort Mill, SC (and Charlotte, NC) on Thursday, August 10th, to drive across America to Seattle. So if you are in the Carolinas and want to meet up with me before I leave, let me know.
Friday, July 28, 2006
David's wedding this Sunday
My friend David Byron is getting married to his fiance Daria this Sunday afternoon. I'll be playing the violin, along with David's sister, Faith, on the flute. It's going to be an outdoor wedding, so please pray for good weather, not too hot, and not too windy, because too much wind will knock over our music stands.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Sea World

Friday, July 21, 2006
meeting up with old friends
Tonight I had a good hang out time with Rob and Jimmy. We haven't met in a long time. It was good to catch up. Jimmy is heading to Taiwan on a mission trip next week, so keep him in your prayers.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
family reunion
The past few days I have been hanging out with my family, as my brother Gideon and his wife Julia have returned to the States from China. It has been a long while since all of us have been together in one place. Gideon and Julia will be heading to Boston tomorrow. We wonder when will be the next time all of us meet again.
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
18 year anniversary in the US
Today is the 18th anniversary of my family's move to America. Back in 1988, we flew over from Taiwan to California on July 12th. We landed at LAX, and I will always remember that first day in the US. It has been quite a journey for me since then. God is good!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Playing football
Last Sunday evening I was hanging out with Resurrection youth at a park near uptown Charlotte. We had a great time of worship and spiritual discussion. Afterwards, we decided to play 5-on-5 touch football. I scored a touchdown and our team won, 4-1 (or 24-6), if you count 6 points for touchdowns. It was just like the old days, when I was in elementary school. Fun!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Presentation recap from this afternoon
This afternoon I gave my ministry presentation at Mary Ann's house. I gave a little talk about the Light Amp ministry, had a photo slideshow of the adventures in the past year, and play a few of my own worship songs on the guitar. Afterwards, I received prayers of blessing, as I prepare to move to Seattle. It was a good time in the Lord.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
June newsletter uploaded
I've finally gotten around to uploading the June newsletter (even though it is July now). I did write it and send it out in June, I just forgot to put it here on the website. Sorry for the delay. Just click on the "Latest Newsletter" link above to read it!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
American Independence Day
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Jason Upton live!
Tonight, 7 pm, Rumble 4 America tent meeting, Heritage International Ministries ground, Fort Mill, South Carolina. Be there!