Saturday, December 31, 2005
Song of Solomon 2:11-12
See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
Friday, December 30, 2005
"Need Prayer?" page moved
If you are wondering where the "Need Prayer?" page went, I have shifted it to the PrayStation page, and integrated it into the layout of that page. So you can just go over to the PrayStation and submit your prayer requests from that page. The shift was a way for me to be more organized online to have all the prayer tools on the same page. I hope you find it helpful and useful.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Bevin from New Zealand

While I was in Charleston, SC last week, doing some sightseeing on my own, I bumped into this guy, Bevin, from New Zealand, at the local youth hostel. He had been touring the United States for several weeks, mostly in the South (and New York). We went on a boat tour to Fort Sumter together (that's the structure in the background of the picture above), and had a good time.
We talked a little bit about the "Lord of the Rings" film trilogy, and he indicated that it's the "national movie of New Zealand" (since it was filmed in New Zealand). It is unpopular to say anything bad about these movies in the country.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Concerns about western views of the Chinese church
Recently, I have been receiving some email articles about how the underground church of China are so much "better" and "radical" and "true to New Testament Christianity" than the church in America. These articles, which includes interview with Chinese house church leaders, places the house church believers on a pedestral, and pretty much bashes the American church for producing weak believers. This view of the Chinese church in comparision with the American church is faulty and distorted, and is very far from the actual truth. What the articles are doing is taking the extreme aspects of both side, and not really touching what is truly "mainstream Christianity" in both countries.
As a Chinese American who has visited underground churches in China and met some apostolic leaders there, I have some personal experiences to back up what I'm saying. The Chinese house church believers are no better or worse than your typical American believers. There are lukewarm, cowardly Chinese believers along with the fired-up, radical ones, just as there are in America. There are many immature Chinese believers there who are vulnerable to falling into deception from the cults, while you don't see that as prevalent in America.
While I applaud the radicalness, perseverance, and selflessness of many Chinese believers, I believe that if they switch places with American believers, they would be just as vulnerable to the temptations of western culture as the current western believers are. And American believers would be just as radical for the gospel if they are situated in the political and social environment in China, not to say that American Christians are not radical already.
Some people think that it is also better for the church to be facing intense persecution, and they even yearn for the western church to be persecuted as the Chinese church is. This is faulty thinking. Who do you think is supplying all these Bibles for the Chinese underground believers? The western church. Who was the person most respected for teaching the underground church leaders about the Holy Spirit and imparting His power? Dennis Balcombe, who was send from Shiloh Bible College in California. Who were the martyrs whose death in the Boxer Rebellion planted the seeds for the current revival in China? Western missionaries! If the western church has been persecuted just as the Chinese church were, the Chinese church would have never grown as fast as she has in the past 30 years.
Some westerners are impressed with the ability of Chinese believers to endure suffering. Of course, they don't realize that the Chinese people over the centuries pride themselves on their ability to suffer. It is both a gift and a curse. Because I grew up in this culture, I had a hard time receiving blessings and love from Father God. When suffering become a source of religious pride, it is an idol that needs to be teared down and repent of as well.
God has also gifted the Chinese church with the passion and gift for evangelism/mission. It is obvious why God would plant this fervency for souls, because China has more unsaved souls than any other country in the world. When people start criticizing the American church for not being as passionate about souls as the Chinese church, they don't realize that passion for souls is actually a gift, and not something you can "work up." God has bestow on the American church many gifts that the Chinese church don't have, such as the revelation of the Father's love and the ministry of innerhealing. It is difficult for Chinese believers to be truly intimate with the Father, since their earthly fathers were bounded by tradition in their ability to express love to their children. So now, there are many Chinese believers who are radically serving God from a mindset of a slave, rather than a son. This unhealthy situation needs to be changed, and western missionaries who understands this revelation can help.
I was disturbed when an article quoted Chinese church leaders being critical of all the "laughter" that is in American churches. Where in the Bible is it a sin to laugh? Yes, Jesus wept, but Jesus laughed as well. Why did Jesus turn the water into wine for His very first miracle? Did God create Adam and Eve to not enjoy life? Yes, Jesus experienced more pain and sorrow than any other human being, but he also had more fun than any other person as well. It is impossible to dwell in heaven and not have a good time, and we as believers are called to dwell in heaven and earth at the same time.
It is time that the Chinese church learned to laugh! They know how to weep, but now they need to learn to have fun in the Lord. What is the fruit of all that laughter? Just look at the fruit of the Father's Blessing in Toronto, where God poured out His wine. One fruit was Heidi Baker's ministry in Mozambique, where their revival and church growth rivals the China revival. Another fruit is Jack Frost's ministry, where it has become one of the best in restoring the Father's love to the Body of Christ.
To close, I want to share a story that I experienced while visiting an underground church in China. Our team was led to this particular group of believers by an American missionary who had been living in China for the past 10 years. This American was highly respected by the local leaders, and was viewed as a spiritual father and "wise man." Part of the time he was there to talk to a younger leader to reconcile with the other leaders in the church, to speak words of wisdom and sound counsel. In my conversation with another American who had just came over for short term mission, he admitted that he had thought all Chinese believers were "Super Christians" with mighty faith. But after seeming how our American missionary counseled this young brother with true spiritual authority, he realized that these Chinese believers are just like us. They have all the church problems and relationship problems too. Every believer grows in Christ from a baby stage, and no one is exempt from the process.
Now that the Chinese society has become more open to western secular influences (with all the sex, alcohol, drugs, and entertainment), the Chinese Christians will be tried by the same temptations that we experience in the west on a daily basis. It is my prayer that they remain as radical and even more radical in their faith, and I pray that God will give them the strength to flee from these "new" temptations that are starting to infiltrate their society.
As a Chinese American who has visited underground churches in China and met some apostolic leaders there, I have some personal experiences to back up what I'm saying. The Chinese house church believers are no better or worse than your typical American believers. There are lukewarm, cowardly Chinese believers along with the fired-up, radical ones, just as there are in America. There are many immature Chinese believers there who are vulnerable to falling into deception from the cults, while you don't see that as prevalent in America.
While I applaud the radicalness, perseverance, and selflessness of many Chinese believers, I believe that if they switch places with American believers, they would be just as vulnerable to the temptations of western culture as the current western believers are. And American believers would be just as radical for the gospel if they are situated in the political and social environment in China, not to say that American Christians are not radical already.
Some people think that it is also better for the church to be facing intense persecution, and they even yearn for the western church to be persecuted as the Chinese church is. This is faulty thinking. Who do you think is supplying all these Bibles for the Chinese underground believers? The western church. Who was the person most respected for teaching the underground church leaders about the Holy Spirit and imparting His power? Dennis Balcombe, who was send from Shiloh Bible College in California. Who were the martyrs whose death in the Boxer Rebellion planted the seeds for the current revival in China? Western missionaries! If the western church has been persecuted just as the Chinese church were, the Chinese church would have never grown as fast as she has in the past 30 years.
Some westerners are impressed with the ability of Chinese believers to endure suffering. Of course, they don't realize that the Chinese people over the centuries pride themselves on their ability to suffer. It is both a gift and a curse. Because I grew up in this culture, I had a hard time receiving blessings and love from Father God. When suffering become a source of religious pride, it is an idol that needs to be teared down and repent of as well.
God has also gifted the Chinese church with the passion and gift for evangelism/mission. It is obvious why God would plant this fervency for souls, because China has more unsaved souls than any other country in the world. When people start criticizing the American church for not being as passionate about souls as the Chinese church, they don't realize that passion for souls is actually a gift, and not something you can "work up." God has bestow on the American church many gifts that the Chinese church don't have, such as the revelation of the Father's love and the ministry of innerhealing. It is difficult for Chinese believers to be truly intimate with the Father, since their earthly fathers were bounded by tradition in their ability to express love to their children. So now, there are many Chinese believers who are radically serving God from a mindset of a slave, rather than a son. This unhealthy situation needs to be changed, and western missionaries who understands this revelation can help.
I was disturbed when an article quoted Chinese church leaders being critical of all the "laughter" that is in American churches. Where in the Bible is it a sin to laugh? Yes, Jesus wept, but Jesus laughed as well. Why did Jesus turn the water into wine for His very first miracle? Did God create Adam and Eve to not enjoy life? Yes, Jesus experienced more pain and sorrow than any other human being, but he also had more fun than any other person as well. It is impossible to dwell in heaven and not have a good time, and we as believers are called to dwell in heaven and earth at the same time.
It is time that the Chinese church learned to laugh! They know how to weep, but now they need to learn to have fun in the Lord. What is the fruit of all that laughter? Just look at the fruit of the Father's Blessing in Toronto, where God poured out His wine. One fruit was Heidi Baker's ministry in Mozambique, where their revival and church growth rivals the China revival. Another fruit is Jack Frost's ministry, where it has become one of the best in restoring the Father's love to the Body of Christ.
To close, I want to share a story that I experienced while visiting an underground church in China. Our team was led to this particular group of believers by an American missionary who had been living in China for the past 10 years. This American was highly respected by the local leaders, and was viewed as a spiritual father and "wise man." Part of the time he was there to talk to a younger leader to reconcile with the other leaders in the church, to speak words of wisdom and sound counsel. In my conversation with another American who had just came over for short term mission, he admitted that he had thought all Chinese believers were "Super Christians" with mighty faith. But after seeming how our American missionary counseled this young brother with true spiritual authority, he realized that these Chinese believers are just like us. They have all the church problems and relationship problems too. Every believer grows in Christ from a baby stage, and no one is exempt from the process.
Now that the Chinese society has become more open to western secular influences (with all the sex, alcohol, drugs, and entertainment), the Chinese Christians will be tried by the same temptations that we experience in the west on a daily basis. It is my prayer that they remain as radical and even more radical in their faith, and I pray that God will give them the strength to flee from these "new" temptations that are starting to infiltrate their society.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Walking to church
Last Sunday, I walked to church for the first time from my new home. We live very close, and it only took me about 25 minutes to walk there. Though it is winter and the weather is pretty cold, it was good to walk outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. God is good!
Monday, December 26, 2005
Reggie & Debbie's, and Paul & Pearl's
This Christmas, I remained in Charlotte. On Christmas Eve, I went to Reggie and Debbie's Christmas party, and hung out with friends (and ate lots of delicious snacks!).
Sunday, after a nice church service at MorningStar, I watched some basketball on television, and walked over to Paul and Pearl's house (a 15-minute walk) to fellowship with their family. I took some pictures from that gathering. We had a fun time just talking, eating, praying, and playing games. Thank God for friends away from home.
Sunday, after a nice church service at MorningStar, I watched some basketball on television, and walked over to Paul and Pearl's house (a 15-minute walk) to fellowship with their family. I took some pictures from that gathering. We had a fun time just talking, eating, praying, and playing games. Thank God for friends away from home.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Scenic Cooper River

By Charleston, South Carolina.
I took this picture on my digital camera, then did some editing of the photo, to make the colors look as it does above.

Gearing up for Vancouver trip
Right now, I'm planning to fly to Seattle the weekend of 1/7, hang out with my cousin Florence and her husband Henry for a few days, then drive up to Vancouver to minister to the youth at the Chinese church up there for 3-4 days. It should be a good trip! I'll give more updates on the preparation of this trip as I figure out the details.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
A picture of San Diego youth
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
8 moves in 8 years!
In the past 8 years, since I graduated from high school, I have moved to 8 different locations in 8 years (granted, 4 of those years were to 4 different dormitory housing on the Stanford campus), but still, it is quite a feat. And I do not believe that I will stay at my current place for too long (because my housemate/landlord might get married and force the other 2 of us out). Hopefully, the Lord will let me settle down in the future, so my eventual children would have some stability in their childhood. It is always a good thing to plan generationally.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Smooth presentation
I had my Light Amp ministry presentation at Greg Burnett's house this evening. We had a good time looking at a slideshow of what God did this past year, and talked about the projects that I am currently involved in. We also had a good time of worship as well. Overall, it was a wonderful time of fellowship, sharing, and enjoying God with friends.
By the way, I've added some new pictures at the Photo Gallery, including pictures of my new house, my San Diego trip, and Resurrection youth Christmas party. Go there and check them out!
By the way, I've added some new pictures at the Photo Gallery, including pictures of my new house, my San Diego trip, and Resurrection youth Christmas party. Go there and check them out!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Revival & Riot
My friend Jaeson Ma has written a powerful message on his blog, which includes testimonies of high school and college students in LA preaching Christ in the middle of their campuses. The school administrations are trying to shut them down and stirring up controversy...Just click on the title link to access this tremendous article.
I think we are finally starting to see the "Paul & Silas"s of our generation. People who are not afraid to confront the powers and principalities of the land. Paul's church planting strategy, as articulated by Arthur Burk, was to preach Christ, demonstrate God's power, ignite revival, stir up a riot, then move on to the next town. Paul's crew were known as people who "turned the world upside down." LA, watchout!
I think we are finally starting to see the "Paul & Silas"s of our generation. People who are not afraid to confront the powers and principalities of the land. Paul's church planting strategy, as articulated by Arthur Burk, was to preach Christ, demonstrate God's power, ignite revival, stir up a riot, then move on to the next town. Paul's crew were known as people who "turned the world upside down." LA, watchout!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Moving into new house!
Today is our first day moving into our new house! My housemate Ron purchased this house, and the three of us are going to live in it. This house is down in Fort Mill, South Carolina near Heritage property, which means that we are only minutes away from MorningStar, the Cause, and the new ZHOP (Zadok House of Prayer) that will be starting next year. Praise God! I will try to take some pictures of the house soon, and post them up here.
Last night I returned to Charlotte via US Airways. It was a nice direct flight from California. when I arrived, it was 36 degrees and falling. We might see some snow soon.
Last night I returned to Charlotte via US Airways. It was a nice direct flight from California. when I arrived, it was 36 degrees and falling. We might see some snow soon.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Great San Diego trip!
I just got back to LA from San Diego today. I had a wonderful time working with the youth out there. Praise the Lord! I'll write more about this trip later, in my December newsletter. I'll be in LA tomorrow and fly back to Charlotte on Tuesday.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
In Los Angeles
I just arrived in town this afternoon, had a good lunch with my parents. I'll be getting ready to head down to San Diego tomorrow night and mee the youth down there. Pray for me, for God's will to be down, and for this weekend to be fruitful.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
New "Hot Spots" page!
I've just created a new page called "Hot Spots." It's full of links to interesting churches and places in the kingdom of God. Just click on it above to go there!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Light Amp presentation on the 17th!
Click on the title link to view the invitation.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Congrats to my friends in Denver
My friends Kelly and Janelle in Denver, Colorado, have reported a good news on their weblog. Janelle is pregnant! Click on the title link to view their posting and pictures!